

Who killed Saint Sebastian?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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10y ago

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Sebastian was a centurian in the Roman Army and very popular with the emperor. However, when the emperor found out that Sebastian was a Christian, he told him to renounce his religion or face death. Sebastian refused the order and was executed by fellow soldiers with bows and arrows. Although left for dead, he survived and was nursed back to health by St. Irene. The emperor, Diocletian, discovered that Sebastian was still alive and ordered that he be beaten to death.

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Sebastian was killed by Roman soldiers under orders from Emperor Diocletian.

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George was a Christian and officer in the Roman army. He refused to renounce his faith and sacrifice to pagan gods so was executed.

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Christopher was purportedly killed because he was a Christian.

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Yes, Saint Sebastian was martyred - twice! He survive the first attempt of being shot full of arrows but did not survive the second when he was beaten to death.

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First, the Roman Emperor had him tied to a pole and arches shot him full of arrows. He survived, thanks to Saint Irene who cared for him. Next the emperor had him beaten to death.

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Sebastian was killed when he refused to renounce his Christianity and offer sacrifices to pagan gods.

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Saint Sebastian was not officially "blessed" in the Catholic Church. He is recognized as a saint and martyr, known for his courage in defending his Christian faith. Sebastian was killed under Roman Emperor Diocletian's persecution of Christians in the 3rd century.

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Saint Sebastian was from Gaul, today's France.

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St. Sebastian was declared a saint by popular acclaim long before a formal procedure was in place for canonization. There is no specific date when this happened. However, as he died a martyr, he became a saint the moment he died about the year AD288.

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Yes, St. Sebastian is the patron saint of athletes and athletics.

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St. Sebastian is a Catholic Saint; therefore, he was Christian.

Is Saint Sebastian the patron saint of athletes?

Yes, St. Sebastian is the patron saint of athletes and athletics.

What is Saint Sebastian's full name?

Sebastian is the only name we know. Surnames were not used at the time.

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St. Sebastian is the patron saint of athletes.