

Best Answer

Stalin is responsible for the death of 17 million Russians.

Hitler is responsible for the death of 12 million people in both concentration camps and civilians.

Alternate opinion:

Hitler: Al least 15 million Russian civilians die during Hitler's invasion in USSR. Lots of people in other countries too.

Stalin: about 300000 (rounded up) dead during party purges, about 200000 captured Nazi soldiers (died 1945-53).

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8y ago

Yes, Stalin killed more, although neither ordered killing directly. They often just hinted at it.

Hitler hinted at the killling of 17 million.

Stalin has estimated murders of between 3 and 60 million people - it is currently generally said that he killed over 20 million people during his leadership.


A lot depends on whether one regards the Ukrainian famine of the early 1930s as genocide or incompetence.



Adolph Hitler in his famous biography "MIEN KAMPF" did more than just hint at killing jews. No-body can ever say that he didn't make this absolutely plain. ( That's why his book is such a big seller in the anti-semitic arabic countries.)


The Ukrainian famine of the early 1930s was not incompetence but a carefully planned pogrom against the pro-independant, anti-collectivist, peace-loving Ukrainians many of whom just happened to be jewish. Stalin hated dissidents (but then , so did Hitler).


As Kevin Weaver commented on the article "Why did the Nazis want the Jews dead?" at "Quora" :-

"Again, these are just speculations about why - or how - it was possible that Hitler hated the Jews. It's also likely that he was a certifiable sociopath, in which case no explanation is necessary."

Both Hitler and Stalin were sociopaths, which is a new name for "psychopaths". As many people would never have even heard of "sociopaths, the definition of the older word "psychopath" is:

" a person afflicted with a personality disorder characterised by a tendency to committ antisocial and sometimes violent acts and a failure to feel guilt for such acts."


As the old saying goes, "The winner writes the history".

Hitler was on the losing side and is painted black as black, but because he was one of the allies on the winning side Stalin came out snow-white and smelling of roses (until the Cold War !)

Both dictatore were paranoid, power-hungry control-freaks , distrustful and cunning with little to choose between them. .

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15y ago

Depends upon whose answering the question. In China, Mao killed the most. In Russia, Stalin killed the most.

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Mao Zedong is believed to have been responsible for the deaths of about 77 million people, therefore he killed a lot more people than Hitler or anybody else did.

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