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Q: Who led Christopher Columbus on his trip to America?
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When did Christopher Columbus sail?

Christopher Columbus made his first voyage in 1492, which subsequently led to the discovery of America by Europe. He then embarked on two more voyages in 1493 and 1498.

What has Christopher Columbus done to impact us today?

he led the explroreation of north and south america on accident

Who led the way in European exploration and why?

Christopher columbus

Who led the American guerrilla bands?

Christopher Columbus

What country is queen Isabella from?

Queen Isabella was the queen of Spain in the 1400's. She is the queen who sent Christopher Columbus on the exploration which led him to America.

Who led the first attempt to colonize the new world?

Christopher Columbus

What is the name of a person that came to America?

The first people to come to the Americas in the late 1400s were the Spaniards led by Christopher Columbus.

Who led the voygage of the Nina Pinta and the Santa Maria?

I believe christopher Columbus did

Why does your society recongize Columbus as the discover of America?

Because it was the Columbus expedition that led to the setlement of America by Euopeans.

What was christopher Columbus like and how his events changed the world?

Columbus was trying to find a quicker way to Asia by sailing west from Europe instead of around the horn of Africa. He was quite a salesman to convince Queen Isabella of Spain to sponsor his trip. He never landed in North America and had nothing to do with the native americans. The success of his trip led to other trips by explorers to colonize and hope to bring home riches to their respective countries.

Why is Columbus Day a holiday in US?

Because Columbus discovered America

Who was the Protruguese sailor who led the first expeditation to sail around the world?

Christopher Columbus