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Q: Who led a movement to have Bible reading and prayer banned in the US?
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Who led the movement to have prayer and Bible reading banned from public school?

Madalyn Murray O' Hair

Why Afghanistan banned the bible?

Afghanistan has banned the bible because they do not believe it is real. They have their own religion, and do not want people reading about a different religion.

How do you remember God's words?

Through prayer, meditation, and daily Bible reading.

Who banned the Bible?

The bible is banned in Saudi Arabia and was banned in the comunist world.

How would a Catholic use the Bible in private prayer?

A Catholic reads the Bible to become familiar with Scripture and to meditate on the Word of God..Catholic AnswerCatholic prayer using the Bible is called Lectio Divina (literally Divine Reading) and is when you use the Bible for meditation, for an explanation, please see the links below. Meditation is beginning prayer for a Catholic (outside of Vocal Prayer and Liturgical Prayer, but even Vocal Prayer should include Meditation or Mental Prayer: if you're not thinking about what you're saying, you're not praying). Advanced prayer is contemplation and is something that we, ourselves, cannot do, it is something given to us by God.

What is the duration of Banned from the Bible?

The duration of Banned from the Bible is 3.33 hours.

How would believers respond to god?

Though prayer, or going to a ceremony such as a wedding or funeral in a church, also though reading the Bible, because they are singing, reading and in a holy place.

What are some more inspirational alternatives to Bible verses?

Bible verses inspire thousands to improve their lives through prayer and good deeds but for those who lack faith such verses are viewed as hypocrisy. Reading poems and scholarly quotes is great alternative to reading Bible verses.

Has Liberia banned the Bible?

Liberia has not banned the bible as the leader was a Charles Taylor.

When was Banned from the Bible created?

Banned from the Bible was created on 2003-12-25.

What is the duration of Banned from the Bible II?

The duration of Banned from the Bible II is 1.67 hours.

When was Should the Bible Be Banned created?

Should the Bible Be Banned was created in 1988-04.