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Q: Who lost battles but won campaign in the south?
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Who won union or confederate in the wilderness campaign?

The union won obliviously they were pretty much just meant to rub it in the south even more after they lost the war so there was barely even any contest to what had happened during the wilderness campaign.

Did the south defeat the north during the US Civil War?

It won most of the battles, but lost the war, chiefly through having a much smaller population from which to recruit armies.

What were some south victories in the civil war?

The South won a large portion of the battles in the Civil War, including First and Second Bull Run (Manassas). The battles for Charleston Harbor, Fort Wagner and Fort Sumter -- was almost entirely victories for the South. Other notable battles were at Chickamauga, Cold Harbor, "the Crater", Chancellorsville, and several battles in the campaign for Petersburg and Richmond. The last victory for the South was the "Beefsteak Raid" just days before Lee surrendered his forces. Starving Confederate troops concocted a crazy plan to raid Union supplies, and somehow escaped with 300 cattle. While the South "won" these battles in most cases it simply meant that they had inflicted heavy casualties on Northern forces and stopped an advance for a time. The North won all of the major campaigns in the last two years of the war, even as the South had victories in over half of the battles.

Did the North won the Battle of Manassas Junction?

No, the North lost both the battles known as Manassas and also as Bull Run.

True or false did the south Lost the battle for Fort Sumter?

The South won - first shots of the war.

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What were some of the battles won by the south?

they won at both battles of bull run

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Does a campaign also mean a battle?

No. A campaign is a plan for achieving an outcome. It may last months or years. Every time you encounter resistance to this, there is a battle. A campaign may require many battles, some of them won, some of them lost, before it is complete. Grant's Overland Campaign, which eventually won the Civil War, consisted of so many battles that some people thought Lincoln would lose the General Election on account of it.

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The south

What are the names of the battles that he won and lost?

Please specify who "he" is.

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The vikings won many battles as well as lost many battles as well, after all you cant keep winning battles only.

Who lost both battles of bull run?

The confederacy won both of the battles at Bull Run.

Who won union or confederate in the wilderness campaign?

The union won obliviously they were pretty much just meant to rub it in the south even more after they lost the war so there was barely even any contest to what had happened during the wilderness campaign.

Which battle was led by General Ulysses S. Grant?

He led the Union armies at many battles, and won all the major engagements until the Overland Campaign, when he lost several battes, but still won the war by keeping Lee on the defensive.

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He won 20 battles and lost 3

Who won the battle of Bullrun?

Both battles of Bull Run (Manassas) were won by the South, and the North lost. The first battle in July 1861 was won by Generals Johnston and Beauregard. The second battle in August 1862 was won by General Lee.