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Q: Who made Prussia into a strong military strength by tripling the size of its army?
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What four ways Prussia set a military example?

Prussia was once the most powerful empire of Europe. It was known for its strong military due to unification of different tribes, inclusion of advanced war tactics, dedicated military leaders, and range of weapons.

What is a way Prussia and Austria were similar?

Prussia and Sparta were similar in the extend that both were powerful in terms of military, Sparta using elite infantry to aid them in battles, and Prussia using strong tactics to win theirs.

How has a nation's economic strength become as important as its military power in foreign policy?

A nation cannot protect it's economic strength without a equally strong military. Nations of the free world during the cold war that had strong economic strength but weak or no militaries were successful...only because the US military protected them.

Four ways Prussia set a military example included?

Prussia was once the most powerful empire of Europe. It was known for its strong military due to unification of different tribes, inclusion of advanced war tactics, dedicated military leaders, and range of weapons.

In World War 1 what was done for the purpose of creating a strong military?

Sending troops to Europe was done for the purpose of creating a strong military in World War 1. There is strength in numbers.

What is Sparta's strength?

Spartas Strength is the Military, when the boys are first born they put them outside for a night with no food or water and if they lived the were strong and made to be a Warrior for sparta. The Spartans focused on their military and the Athens were more foucused on their Acedemics and worked on military too.

Why was Prussia economically strong?

it controled the ruhr valley

What is the difference between strength and strong?

there is no differences between strength and strong. Only that strong is a synonym of strength.

Prussia was economically strong because it controlled the?

Ruhr valley

What were the characteristics of Prussia?

The kings of Prussia ruled as an absolute monarchy from 1701-1740. A strong army helped the rulers gain power.

How did prussian kings build a strong nation?

prohibiting immigration into prussia

Did Prussia have a strong navy?

In a word, no. Though Prussia did field small fleets from time to time they were essentially a land power with no naval might to speak of.