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Ptolemy answer by: Ian TSANG

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Q: Who made better predictions than Aristotle's model?
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What was not a major advantage of Copernicus' Sun-centered model over the Ptolemaic model?

It made significantly better predictions of planetary positions in our sky.

Who made better predictions than Aristotle?

my left testes

What is a statistical model?

a statistical model is a way of representing a real world situation that allows predictions to be made

Why was the mustang made?

the mustange was made to be a better model of the ford falcon

What predictions can be made using evidence gathered by seismometers?

almost none... ever. no predictions can be made from a single recording because earthquakes are too random

What made the indivisible sphere model better than before?

it was the first model so there was nothing before it

What is the strengths and weaknesses of the geocentric model of the universe?

Its strength was that it could predict the positions of the planets with pretty good accuracy. Its weakness was that by 1600 the techniques of measuring planets' positions had advanced to the point where discrepancies were noticed in the predictions made with the geocentric model.

How many man-made predictions get fulfilled?

70% of the time no.

Why do you think people sometimes misunderstood the oracle's predictions?

Because sometimes the predictions might not give accurate advice/response or it wouldn't be possible. The Predictions might've not made sense or it may have been unclear.

Predictions you make about a story need to be revised when you?

encounter new information or events that change the direction of the plot, uncover character motivations, or challenge the initial assumptions made. It's essential to reassess and adapt your predictions as the story unfolds to better understand the narrative and its outcome.

Why christians would believe jesus from the predictions of isiah?

Because it came true. All of the prophets made completely accurate predictions in the Bible, including Isiah.

Have his predictions proved true consider this article or select another example that is of interest to you?

I do not have the ability to access external content such as articles to evaluate predictions. However, I can discuss predictions made by individuals or groups based on the information provided. Feel free to provide more details or ask about specific predictions of interest.