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Q: Who made the New York state flag?
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Why was the new york flag chosen?

Every state has a State Flag that represents themselves. The state of New York passed a resolution to adopt their State Flag in 1788.

What are the meanings on the New York flag?

The flag of the State of New York is the state's coat of arms on a blue

What does New York state flag stand for?

New york state

How did the state flag of New York become the state flag?

because it was

What flags fly at Yankee Stadium?

The US flag, the New York State flag (the blue flag), and the New York City flag (the blue, white, and orange flag).

When was the new york state flag adopted?

well, the first state flag was adopted in 1779-1901. 2day, the new york flag was adopted in 1902-2011, the year rite now. :)

When was the state flag of New York adopted?

1788It was adopted as the national flag in 1778.

What is on the new York state flag?

a blind folded lady

What do the symbols on the new york state flag mean?

There are several symbols on the New York state flag. Lady liberty and justice stand fairness and justice for all. The ribbon with the word excelsior stands for reaching goals. The eagle symbolizes good fortune.

What does the New York flag look like? State flag of New York

Name the river depicted on the new york state flag?

The Hudson River

What is the river depicted on the new york state flag called?

The Hudson River.