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Jeremiah Chubb:

Early in the 19th century the British Government offered a prize for the invention of a lock which could be only opened by its own key. The prize was won by Chubb whose lock defined all attempts to be opened by the best picklocks in all the English cells. The ordinary rimlock, which is fixed on the interior doors of most homes and schools, uses the same key, bolt and levers as the lock that Chubb invented. Chubb became famous as the maker of safes; and steel safes bearing his name are still among the best that are used in shop and offices today.

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12y ago

Jeremiah Chubb made the first high qualitied key:

The British government offered a prize for the invention of a lock which could be opened by its own key. the prize was won by Jeremiah Chubb whose lock defied all attempts to be opened by the best picklocks in English prisons. The ordinary rimlock, which is fixed on the interior doors of most houses and schools, uses the same key, bolt and levers as the lock Chubb invented.

(But the first lock for a door was made in ancient Egypt. It was opened by a wooden key with prongs. The Ancient Greeks used a bolt on the inside of a door which was opened from the outside by a metal key shaped like a hook. A type if lock similar to our padlock was developed in Roman times. But for many centuries locks were large and cumbersome and could be easily opened by any expert burglar)

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Q: Who made the first keys and locks?
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Who made the first ever keys and locks?

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When were the First locks made?

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Can locks be made for keys?

Yes, my locksmith has done so for me.

What is a key made of?

Keys can be made of almost any solid material. Most modern keys are made of brass, aluminum, or various alloys that are of similar durability yet softness. The keys for old mortise door locks were made of iron. Many locks made in the middle ages and earlier used keys made of wood.

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Old skeleton keys were typically made of iron or brass. Iron keys tend to be older and have a rustic appearance, whereas brass keys were more common in the 19th and 20th centuries due to their durability and resistance to corrosion.

Mustang ignition keys will not work in the door locks?

If it was made before '92, it's not supposed to.

Can you get spare home keys at Home Depot?

They make house keys for Schlage and Kwikset locks. If your home has one of those two brands of locks (or one of the hundreds of private-branded locks that use Kwikset-patterned keys) you can get spare keys there.

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A piano

Did medieval people have locks and keys?

Yes, locks and keys were invented in ancient times, and they were still produced and used in the middle ages.

Who makes or mends locks and keys?

A Locksmith

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