

Who made the great depression worse?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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I did.

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Q: Who made the great depression worse?
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What effects did the Great Depression have?

It made everything worse!~Like nowadays

Is America headed for another Great Depression?

in about 180 days we will be in the worse of the worse.. so yes we will be in a great depression..

What war brought the US out of the great depression?

it was brought out by world war II, but most people want to think the war just made the depression worse.

How did Franklin D. Roosevelt get the U.S out of the Great Depression?

Franklin Roosevelt did not get the US out of the great depression he streached out the depression and made it worse. We may be in for a very long depression if Obama tries to do the same things that Roosevelt did. Look how long the Roosevelt depression lasted.

Which Great Depression will end up being worse the Roosevelt Great Depression or the Obama Great Depression?

Well we are not in a depression with Obama the only reason the economy is like this is because of our 43 president Bush So Roosevelts depression ended up worse because they were actually in a depression. You can thank Bush for the economic troubles

What was the name given to the terrible economic spiral that made the poor economy of the early 1930's even worse?

the great depression

How are the great depression and the great recession the same?

They arent man you arent thinking the same thing the depression is worse man dude dude dude dude you are thinking of the depression and the crash in the government7

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China was severely affected by the Great Depression. The economic status of the country become worse and the general cost of living become unbearable.

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Because he taxed the middle and lower class too much and it made things worse.

What made The Great Depression occur?

What caused the great depression was the stock market crash of Oct. 29, 1929.

How did most Americans view the democratic system during the Great Depression?

they feared it would make things worse

Why did president Franklin Roosevelt follow a theory of pump priming to combat the great depression?

Because he was a socialist.