

Who made tornadoes?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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12y ago

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If you are religious you might say God makes tornadoes.

However, from a scientific standpoint the answer is nobody. Tornadoes are a natural phenomenon that result from a certain set of weather conditions, not the actions of any person or persons.

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Are tornadoes man made?

No. Tornadoes occur naturally.

Why are tornadoes made of air?

Tornadoes are made of air necause they are a weather phenomenon and occur within Earth's atmosphere, which is made of air.

What are tornadoes made fro m?

Tornadoes are caused from highly dangerous thunderstorms.

Are tornadoes natural or man made?

Tornadoes are storms, and thus naturally occurring.

Are there such things like double tornadoes?

There are multivortex tornadoes that at times can look like they are made up of two or more tornadoes

Are tornadoes made from electricity?

No. Tornadoes are made from interactions of wind currents and pressure differences within a thunderstorm. Electricity plays no role.

What are tornadoes made of fire called?

Tornado-like whirlwinds made of fire are called firewhirls. Meteorologists do not consider them to be true tornadoes.

How is earth affected by tornadoes?

Tornadoes can cause catastrophic damage to vegetation and man-made structures.

What kind of gases do tornadoes produce?

Tornadoes do not produce gasses. They are made of air and do not change its composition.

Has there ever been a water tornado?

There are no tornadoes that are made of water, but tornadoes do touch down on water fairly often. Tornadoes on water are called waterspouts.

Why do tornadoes have to exist?

Because God made them

What impact do tornadoes have on the man made environment?

Tornadoes, with relatively little warning, can rip through man made structures, tearing them apart, bending them up and destroying them. Tornadoes are capable of lifting cars and tossing them. Tornadoes are capable of ripping roofs right off of houses and buildings.