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Q: Who makes more a chef or a police officer?
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A doctor typically makes much more money than a police officer.

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a chef

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ARMY has more power than police always i support for indian army

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Can an off duty out of jurisdiction police officer act as a police officer?

Possibly. More specifics must be known before any kind of more specific answer can be given.

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Can a police officer block the duty of a Condo Board Member?

there is no way to answer without more information. Generally unless there is a crime involved, a police officer does not have any 'special' privilege.

What can a person do if they have been a victim of abuse of police power?

you should tell a person with more power than a police officer.

When should an police officer call for backup?

Whenever, in that officer's judgement, they feel that the situation they face requires more than just a single officer to handle.

How much does a chef makes?

more than a hobo

What is requirements to become a police officer?

Different states have different requirements regarding training to become a police officer. Generally, most states will require the candidate to pass a background check and to complete a police academy. You can find more information at

Where can I get my private investigator degree ?

To become a police detective, you have to first become a police officer. Requirements to become a police officer vary, and how you become a police officer varies depending on the state and the department. Most police departments require officers work at least 2 (usually more) years before being eligible to become a detective. Becoming a detective is usually a very competitive process. If you want to become a police detective, become the best police officer that you can. Maintain an excellent record and reputation.