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Q: Who married Pandora the goddess?
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What is the goddess Pandora?

Pandora is not a goddess. She was the first mortal woman.

What is Pandora goddess of?

Pandora was not a goddess, she was the first mortal on earth and made by the gods.

What did the greek goddess Pandora look like physically?

Do you know if Pandora the Goddess was respected/

Does Pandora the goddess have kids?

Pandora wasn't a goddess, she was the first human woman. She was married (by inference - no marriage is ever mentioned explicitly) to Epimetheus, and later myths have her as the mother of Pyrrha, the wife of Deucalion and survivor of the Greek version of the Flood.

What did the Goddess Pandora wear?

In Greek mythology, the Goddess Pandora is typically depicted as wearing a flowing gown or a toga-like garment. She is often shown adorned with jewelry and holding a jar or box.

What was Pandora goddess of?

Pandora wasnt a goddess, she was the first mortal on earth. she was molded by the gods out of clay and given to Epimetheus as a wife.

Did greek goddess Pandora marry a titan?

Yes Pandora married Epimetheus, a Titan god of afterthought, their daughter was Pyrrha. Epimetheus was also the father of Ephyra (or she was another wife), Prophasis the patron goddess of plea or excuse was also called his daughter.

Where did the greek goddess Pandora live?

Pandora was not a goddess. She was the first woman ever created in order to be a plague to men.

Was the greek god Hermes married?

Hermes was not married per se but he fathered children of several consorts.

What is the most powerful goddess?

pandora. she is.

What is the Greek goddess Pandora's talent or purpose?

Pandora was not a greek goddess. She was a human, cousins with a greek hero. Her purpose was to open Pandora's jar which contained some nasty stuff

Is there any constellations in space of Pandora the Goddess?

Pandora wan't a goddess she was just the first female of mankind (the equivalent to the Christian Eve)