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Q: Who of the following was not a religion dissenter in Massachusetts Bay?
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What woman challenged the authority of the clergy and the very integrity of the puritan experiment in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

Anne Hutchinson, Dissenter

If you lived in the Massachusetts bay colony what religion did you follow?

they were Puritans.

Religious dissenter convicted of the hersey of antinomianism?

Anne Hutchinson was convicted of heresy during the Antinomian Controversy. This Puritan conflict took place in the Massachusetts Bay Colony from 1636 to 1638.

What religion was the Massachusetts bay colonists?

A settlement owned and ruled by a different country

What ways did the colonies at Jamestown and Massachusetts Bay differ?

The people in Jamestown were more interested in finding gold and silver rather than spreading religion and growing crops while the Massachusetts Bay coloney was focused on spreading religion.

What was the main religion of colonial Massachusetts?

Plymouth, Massachussets: Puritan Massachussets Bay: Separatist

Why did the puritans set up the Massachusetts bay colony?

Massachusetts bayThey settled in the Massachusetts Bay because they wanted to reform the church of England by introducing it to a new form of worship.

What was the role of religion in the lives of puritans in the Massachusetts bay colony?

bakit ba maliit si rica

How was Anne Hutchinson punished for believing differently than the established religion?

She was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony

What did the Massachusetts bay colony practice for their religion?

caca face do it your self jk am cheating to and i cant find the answer

What bay will you find in Massachusetts capital city?

Massachusetts Bay Or Mass Bay

Which settlement was not established by dissenters leaving the Massachusetts bay colony?

Well, I don't know what your choices were but I can tell you the ones that were established by dissenters leaving the Massachusetts Bay Colony: Rhode Island and Connecticut. Roger Williams founded Rhode Island Colony in 1636 due to his dissent from Puritan beliefs. Another dissenter, Anne Hutchinson, followed him there several years later. Minister Thomas Hooker led one hundred others in leaving the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636. They settled in the Connecticut River Valley at the site of an Old Dutch fort, calling it Hartford. Three years, Hartford and two other settlements were joined to form the colony of Connecticut.