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Q: Who opposed protective tariffs because this region had little industry to protect?
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What is intended to protect domestic industry?


How did the protective tariffs help American industry after the war of 1812?

The tariff was a protective tariff passed by the congress of the united states designed to protect industry in the northern united states. (:

Did the northerners favor the idea of of a protective tariff?

Yes. It would protect their manufacturing industry.

What is a tax placed on goods from another country to protect the home industry?

protective tariff

The tariffs would raise money for the government and protect American industries from foreign competition. Who opposed the tariffs and why ?

The south because they had little industry .

What protective gear should workers wear in industry to protect from dangers?

Helmets and special clothes [jackets]

How did Hamilton plan to raise money?

Alexander Hamilton wanted a protective tariff to protect American industry.

What tariff type is used to protect a domestic industry?

A PROTECTIVE tariff is intended to artificially inflate prices of imports and protect domestic industries from foreign competition.

Why you use protective earth?

we need to protect our earth because we live in that earth that's why we must protect the earth from dust.

Why do Parents be so over protective?

Parents are required by law to protect their children. Not to mention the fact that they protect you because they love you.

Who opposed the '' Tariff of Abominations''?

Vice Presiden John C. Calhoun, along with various southern states, opposed the tariff, believing it to be unconstitutional, favoring one sector of the economy over another. They felt the protective features on tariffs were harmful to southern agrarian interests.

What is the protective structure of a jack fruit plant?

because of ts thorn , if they no thorn it can not protect itself