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Atlas was the name of a titan in Greek mythology, the son of Iapetus and Clymene. He was famous for 'holding up the sky', or separating Gaia and Uranus as a punishment by Zeus.

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Q: Who or what did the word 'atlas' come from and from what kind of mythology?
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What word origins from Greek mythology?

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What does atlas mean in mythology?

The etymology of the name Atlas is still much debated. Many people think it related a word meaning "support".

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Who or what did the word ATLAS come from?

The word "atlas" likely originated from Greek mythology, where Atlas was a Titan who was condemned to hold up the heavens on his shoulders. The modern usage of "atlas" to describe a collection of maps likely comes from the Atlas mountains in North Africa, where the first modern atlas was published in the 16th century.

How is the word atlas related to greek mythology?

Atlas was the Titan who supported the "celestial spheres" (planets) on his shoulders. Due to his involvement with astronomy, collections of maps were dedicated to him, and they became known as an Atlas. Regarding the moving company, they formed in 1948, and chose the Name Atlas Van Lines as a memorable name- and the catch phrase "We move the world for you."

What does titanic come from?

The word "Titanic" comes from mythology (The Titans) as does "Olympic" (The Olympians).

What is the Hebrew word for Atlas?

atlas = ahtlahs (אטלס)

What does Atlantic translate?

The word "Atlantic" is desirved from Greek mythology, referring to the Ttan Atlas, who gave his name to the Atlas mountain range of North Africa. To the Romans,the Atlantic was the region beyond the Atlas Mountains.It was also thought to be the site of the land of Atlantis,said to have been swallowed up by the sea many centuries ago.

Where did the word volcano come from in greek mythology?

The word volcano more likely came from ROMAN mythology, not Greek, because the Roman god of fire and volcanoes was called Vulcan.

What is the meaning of the word atlas?

Atlas is a book of maps and/or charts

What is the definition of the word Atlas?

An atlas is a book of maps or charts.