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the several states that formed the constitution

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Q: Who or what does Thomas Jefferson assert has the authority to judge the constitutionality of federal laws?
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How did thomas jefferson change the federal financial policies?

Thomas Jefferson did change the federal financial policies by opposing a very strong centralized government.

Who did James Madison and Thomas Jefferson believe was the best arbiter of the constitutionality of the Sedition Act and other such acts?

the states

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What action did thomas Jefferson take to the lower the national debt?

The action Thomas Jefferson took to lower the national debt was that he streamlined government and increased sales of federal land.

What impact did Thomas Jefferson's actions have on the nation?

have a better federal government.

Describe Thomas Jefferson’s view of the federal government and its responsibilities?

Thomas Jefferson believed in state rights. He thought that a large federal government threatened liberty and that vigilant states could best protect freedom. Thomas Jefferson also believed that people should not be restricted to a certain religion.

They wanted the states to retain their sovereignty in the federal system.?

Before and after the Articles of Confederation (1877) the Anti-Federalists, such as Thomas Jefferson, wanted the states to be the primary authority over their citizens. Anti-federalists

What actions did Thomas Jefferson's to lower the national debt?

Jefferson streamlined government and increased sales of federal land

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Who championed NeoClassical architecture in America and what was it called?

Federal style by Thomas Jefferson

Who was president when the federal ban on the importation of slaves took effect?

Thomas Jefferson