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Humans. Man has severely affected humpback whale populations by killing them for years. By the 19th century, many nations (USA in particular), were hunting the animal heavily in the Atlantic Ocean, and to a lesser extent in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. This widespread hunting sharply reduced whale populations.

It is estimated that during the 20th century, at least 200,000 humpbacks were taken, reducing the global population by over 90%, with North Atlantic populations estimated to have dropped to as low as 700 individuals. To prevent extinction, the International Whaling Commission banned commercial humpback whaling in 1966. By that time the population had been reduced to around 5,000. That ban is still in force

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Q: Who or what is responsible for Humpback Whales being in danger?
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Are humpback whales being preyed upon?

Humpback whales are not normally preyed upon because the female is protected by the male when approached by danger. The Killer whale will sometimes prey upon the Humpback, and will eat one if found dead.

How does the humpback whales escape being eaten?

The humpback whale could not escape after being eaten because it would be dead.

Why are humpback whales being killed?

for their blubber can make soup

What is being done to help save the Killer Whales from being extinct?

They are in danger, i will post when i find out.

What are the most endangered whales in the world?

North Pacific Right Whale, North Atlantic Right Whale, Blue Whale What he/she means is that the whales in the North Pacific and North Atlantic and the blue whales are endangered because either they can't find enough food, or they are being illegally hunted.

What problems do humpback whales have to face?

The probability of becoming extinct, since they are already endangered. Other problems are being hunted by us humans, and being attacked by predators... like humans, sharks, killer whales. Hoped that helped you. ^.^

Who is responsible for the ocelot being in danger?

Humans, and other animals.

What is being done to help the humpback whale from going extinct?

people are starting 2 stop poching and harpooning whales so that they will live

What challenges do humpback whales face?

Their threats include; entanglement in fishing gear aka bycatch, ship strikes. whale watch harassment, habitat impacts and commercial whaling. Humpback whales are mostly hunted by the Japanese. Every year the aim for around 50 humpbacks.

Do white whales eat humpback whales?

While there are white whales - like the Belugas, it's not a recognized species name. Natural variety sometimes create individuals that have a whiter/brighter hue than the norm for the species. Possibly even Albino specimens. The Great White Whale of the novel Moby Dick is supposed to be a white(ish) sperm whale. And since not all whales would be able to eat chunks of meat even if they tried - due to being baleen whales, filter feeders - it's impossible to say if a white whale would have a go at a humpback whale. No, only killer whales and sharks eat humpback whale calves. The kills usually happen in humpback whale feeding grounds (cold, polar, waters). Sharks occasionally prey on really young calves, but killer whales are a much bigger threat.

What causes a blue whale to become extinct?

The greatest danger to blue whales was being hunted by humans.

What predators do humpback whales have?

Orcas and Sharks are the primary ocean predators to the Humpback Whale. Their number one predator doesn't naturally live in their environment at all. Humans account for 95 percent of the Humpback Whale population being hunted and killed, and are the reason that these magnificent creatures are now on the endangered species list.