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Q: Who owned the monopolies of the 1900s?
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Who owned and ran most American farms before the 1900s?

Families owned them

Until the 1900s who owned and ran most American farms?

Technically they were ran by families. There is no real recording on who owned the most. IT was the Families who owned them or the most.

What types of groups owned large interests in latin America in the early 1900s?

mining, companies, businesses

What is John D Rockefeller known for?

He is famous for over ruling other oil companies and had many monopolies, and he owned several oil districts.

What is consumer gouging?

Its raising prices when consumers have no choice but to buy from the company, its often a symptom of privately owned monopolies such as water or train companies in the UK.

What President was called the trustbuster because he was the first president to break up trusts and monopolies?

The President who was called the trustbuster because he was the first to break up trusts and monopolies was Theodore Roosevelt. He believed in regulating big business to promote fair competition and protect consumers, leading to several antitrust prosecutions during his presidency in the early 1900s.

People who opposed monopolies argued that monopolies?

Eliminated competition

What did Woodrow Wilson view monopolies as being?

monopolies were bad

What are the four types of monopolies?

natural, geographic, technological, government

What is breaking up monopolies called?

what is breaking up of monopolies call

What was Woodrow Wilson's thoughts on monopolies?

Wilson felt that monopolies were bad.