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Q: Who owns the copyright to The Old Country Church?
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Who wrote the song the old country church?

J. W. Vaughan copyright 1933

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Shapiro Bernstein.

Who owns the rights to the works of famous composers like Beethoven Caccini or Vivaldi who didn't have copyright offices in their time?

Nobody owns copyright of music written two hundred years ago. The copyright of anything published before 1923 is irrelevant as it has expired. Copyright in an unpublished work would also expire according to the laws of the country in which it was created. For comparison, in the USA, an old work previously unpublished but recently issued would have a copyright that does not expire until 2047.

Who owns the copyright to Old Man River?

The song itself is controlled by Universal Polygram; various recordings will have additional rightsholders.

Why is there no copyright on folksongs?

Folk songs, folk tales, and other sufficiently old creative works are not protected by copyright because they are in the public domain: no one owns them because we all own them.

Who owns copyright to This Old Man?

The song itself dates to 1906 and is in the public domain, but newer settings, arrangements, performances, and recordings may have their own protection.

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The copyright is 1956

Is the song Little Town in the Old Country Down in public domain?

I believe this is still under copyright by Bourne Co.

Would it be legal to Copy from books that are 100 years old?

In general, if a book is more than 100 years old, it likely falls within the public domain and can be freely copied without infringing copyright laws. However, it is important to check the specific copyright laws in your jurisdiction, as some countries may have different rules regarding copyright duration.

How old is copyright?

Modern copyright derives from the Statute of Anne, 1709.

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Where do you find copyright information for old Scottish songs when the book is out of print?

The national library of the country in which the book was published likely has information on file.