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The Aztec temples were primarily funded through tribute paid by conquered territories, as well as contributions from the emperor and nobility. The labor for construction was provided by commoners as a form of taxation or duty to the state.

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Who built the Aztec temples?

The Aztec temples were built by the Aztec people under the direction of their rulers and religious leaders. The most famous temple, Templo Mayor, in their capital city of Tenochtitlan, was constructed in stages and dedicated to various deities. The temples were significant religious and ceremonial structures in Aztec society.

What are the Aztec temples used for?

Aztec temples were primarily used for religious ceremonies and rituals. They served as sacred spaces where Aztec priests performed sacrifices and carried out offerings to the gods. The temples were also symbolic representations of the Aztec cosmology and their connection with the divine.

What type of stone are Aztec temples made of?

Aztec temples were primarily made of limestone and sandstone. These stones were readily available in the region and were easily carved and stacked to create the intricate temple structures.

What materials were used to build Aztec temples?

Aztec temples were typically constructed using large stones, earth, and volcanic rock. These materials were sourced locally and were stacked and carved to create intricate designs and structures that reflected the religious beliefs and cosmology of the Aztec people. Additionally, lime plaster was used to coat and decorate the exteriors of the temples.

What happened to the Aztec and Mayan temples?

Many Aztec and Mayan temples were destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors during the colonization of Mesoamerica. Others fell into disrepair over time due to abandonment and natural causes. Some temples have been preserved and are still standing today, serving as important archaeological sites and tourist attractions.