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Q: Who painted colonial Ac land and Lord Sydney the archers?
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Why did Caravaggio paint the basket of fruit?

Possibly Caravaggio simply painted what was available; or possibly it has some meaning along the general lines of 'all things decay'; "This is what the Lord God showed him - a basket of summer fruit. He said, "Amos, what do you see?" And he said, "A basket of summer fruit." Then the Lord God said to him, "The end has come upon my people Israel; I will never again pass them by."

Who was Star Wars crime lord?

The Star Wars crime lord(at least in the movies) was Jabba the Hutt. As far as the books are concerned, I do not know.

Is it lord Carson in the ancestrycom advert?

Yes. Its Lord Edward Henry Carson of Loyalist/Unionist fame. My Dog is Named after him.

What is lord's suffer?

the last supper

How does sir gawain breack his promise to the lord?

After he finds hospitality at the home of a great lord, Sir. Gawain enters into a pact that the lord is willing to share all from his hunts with Gawain as long as he shares whatever he has managed to acquire during the day with the lord. The first night, the lord's wife, enters Gawain's chambers and steals a kiss. When the Lord returns with the spoils of his hunt, Gawain gives him a kiss. The next time, it's two kisses. Again, Gawain kisses the Lord twice in exchange for his meal. The third night, the lady is a bit more bold and instead of just stopping with the three kisses, she also gives him a magical girdle. At dinner time, Gawain shares the three kisses, but not the girdle. It turns out, this was all a test and once the Lord found Gawain did not share all of his earnings, he became angry with him.

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Who painted the colonel acland and lord sydney the archers?

sir joshua reynolds in 1769

Who paintedColonel Acland and Lord Sydney The Archers?


How good is an elf in Lord of the Rings with a bow?

If there are expert of bow.lot of archers of haldir and Rohan archers are good learners

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because of Lord Sydney

Who named Sydney in Australia?

The first settlers. After Lord Sydney

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The Lord Mayor, Clover Moore is in charge of Sydney.

Who is in charge in Sydney?

The Lord Mayor, Clover Moore is in charge of Sydney.

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Gabrielle Lord was born in Sydney, Australia.

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Sydney Cove was named after the British Home Secretary, Thomas Townshend, Lord Sydney.

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Lucy Turnbull.