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Q: Who pays if you backed into a parked car on private property in Florida?
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What do you do if you backed into an illegally parked car in Virginia on private property and caused little or no damage?


If I hit a car on private property who was parked illegally am I at fault?

Yes, private property does not obsolve you of your responsiblity.

Can an uninsured vehicle be parked in a driveway?

In the UK it can, if the driveway is private property.

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Who is responsible for damage to a parked car or theft on private property and no one observed?

you are

What does ppi stand for to police impound yards?

private property impound - possibly due to parked in a private lot

Parked vehicle damaged on private property who is responsible for damages?

The person who caused the damage.

If a vehicle parked along a curb on private property is hit by another driver who is at fault?

The driver that hit the parked vehicle would be at fault.

Who is at fault when your parked car gets backed into?

Whomever backed into it is at fault.

Fender bender on private property in ga who is responsible?

If a car is parked next to my fence is that OK?

If a car is parked 6 in behind another on private property and the other car accidentally hits it who is at fault?

The person who hit a parked vehicle is at fault.

Who is at fault in an auto accident on private property when the party with the damages is illegally parked?

A parked car almost never crashes into others or does anything else that prevents other drivers on private property from stopping in time to avoid hitting it. Therefore, the fact that it may be "illegally parked" usually has nothing to do with why someone negligently crashed into it.