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Q: Who perided over the fourth buddist council?
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What is the roman council of the plebs?

During the Roman Republic the Plebeian Council was the assembly of the plebeians. it was a body where the plebeians discussed their issues made their resolutions. Over time this council became the body which voted on most bills.

How did the council of the plebeians change life for the plebeian?

It gave them a say in politics and an ability to pass laws without being over-ridden by the Patricians in the Senate, and by manipulation in the Tribal Assembly.

How did Antoninus Pius die?

Antoninus Pius died of old age. He was 70 and could not walk upright without a corset. One evening he ate heartily at dinner and at night he vomited. He summoned a council in the morning and handed power over to Marcus Aurelius. He then turned over. It looked like he had fallen asleep, but he was dead.

What part of the roman empire did the envaders spread?

Which Invaders? In the empire of the west tin the fourth century Germanic peoples invaded: Franks, Alemanni, Visigoths and Burgundian took Gaul. The Visigoths, Alans and Sueves took over Spain and Portugal. The vandals took over Africa. Angles, Saxons and Jutes and Frisians migrated to Britain in waves. The Lombards invaded Italy in the next century. The empire of the east suffered a similar fate, though much later. The Arabs took over the middle east south of Turkey The Bulgars, Serbs and Croats took over the Balkans. Then the Seljuk Turks took over much of Turkey. Finally the Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople.

How has the calendar changed over the years?

Its because it keepsn going from 2013 to over and over.