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john barrowman

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Q: Who played captain jack in torchwood?
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What are the ratings and certificates for Torchwood - 2006 Captain Jack Harkness 1-12?

Torchwood - 2006 Captain Jack Harkness 1-12 is rated/received certificates of: UK:12

Who is the person who kisses captain jack in torchwood?

Captain Jack had a relationship with Ianto Jones in Torchwood. He's also kissed other people like Captain John who is his ex. On Doctor Who he kissed both the Doctor and Rose.

What character does John Barrowman play in Torchwood?


How did Toshiko die in Torchwood?

She got shot by Captain Jack's brother.

Who is captain Jack harkness?

Captin Jack is a fictional man, from the BBC series Doctor Who and Torchwood.

Does the doctor ever appear on Torchwood?

No, as of 2012 he has never currently been on Torchwood. However characters from Torchwood (mostly Captain Jack Harkness) have appeared in Doctor Who.

What is better Doctor Who or torchwood?

Torchwood is a spin off of Doctor who and stars John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness. It's based in Cardiff, and the time rift that goes through it. The Doctor is not on Torchwood but Jack is on Doctor Who.

Who is Captain Jack from Doctor Who?

Captain Jack Harkness is a rougue time agent who has had his memory erased by the time agency. He is played by the actor/singer John Barrowman. He has also gained a cult following in the spin off show Torchwood, he is also a fiction character in his movie and show.

Who dies in Torchwood?

in torchwood mant people die. but the big ones are suzie, Owen (twice), tosh, llanto, and then of course captain jack many times but he just comes back to life each time he is killed.

When was The House that Jack Built - Torchwood - created?

The House that Jack Built - Torchwood - was created in 2009.

Is Captain Jack coming back to Doctor Who in series 4?

Yes, he returned (and with Gwen and Ianto from Torchwood) in the Series Four finale two parter.

How come in Doctor Who Captain Jack fancies both boys and girls but then in Torchwood he only fancies some boys?

Because its a diffrent show.....maybe