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Molana Zafar Ali khan

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Q: Who pray the fanrnal of quid e azam?
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Is the cast of quid-e-azam jinah?

what is cast of Quid e azam Mohammad ali jinnah

What was the academic qualification of quid e azam?

quaid e azam did not pass his matric

Who kill the quid e azam?

No one killed Quaid e Azam--He was died due to illness..

Is quaid e azam rajput?

No , quid was not rajput .

What is the real name of Quid-e-azam?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

What was the age of quid-e-azam when he passed matriculation exam?


What is the actual name of Quid-e-azam?

mohammad ali jinnah

When did Quid-e-azam born?

Quid Azam Mohammad Ali jinnah was born in by the school records state 10 oct 1875 and athur writes 25 dec 1876

Who were the founders of Pakistan?

The founder of Pakistan was Quid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah

Who was the father of the Pakistan?

Quid e Azam is called father of Pakistan . His actual name is Muhammad Ali Jinnah .

Who is the famous person in Pakistan?

Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the most famous person in Pakistan .

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