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The Julian calendar is a calendar that was invented by Julius Caesar, the leader of ancient Rome. It is a reform of the Roman calendar. It was first used in the year 709 Ab urbe condita, or 45 BC. Caesar consulted the astronomer Sosigenes of Alexandria. Very probably it was made to approximate the tropical year, which was known at least since Hipparchus.

The calendar has a regular year of 365 days divided into 12 months, and a leap day is added every four years to the month of February, making the average Julian year 365.25 days.

In the 16th century, the Gregorian calendar was introduced in Europe because it was more accurate with regard to the length of the year, and it also moved the date for the vernal equinox, the first day of spring (or of fall in the Southern Hemisphere) to where it belonged again, on March 21. The Gregorian calendar has 97 leap days every 400 years, while the Julian had exactly 100.

Some countries used this calendar to the 20th century. Mount Athos, and many national Eastern Orthodox churches still use the Julian calendar, or a revised form, introduced in 1923.

The main problem with the Julian Calendar is that it makes too many leap days, which means that it gains a day about every 128 years.

People sometimes use the term Old Style or O.S. to refer to the Julian calendar, with N.S. or New Style referring to the Gregorian calendar.

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Julius Caesar demanded his advisers to create it to get rid of the handicap of uniform lunar months and square-off intercalary months, exacerbated by the intercalary months not being properly implemented.

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Julius Caeser

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Why is there a Julian calendar?

The Julian Calender (which became the Christian Calender with only a few holidays retained) is a solar calender, based on earth's orbit of the sun. Previously the Romans used a lunar calender like the Chinese, based on the moon's orbit of the earth. The solar calender was more efficient, and Julius Caeser was a man who liked efficiency, so he pushed for adoption of the calender which bears his name.

What month and day was dimitri mendeleev born?

On a Gregorian calender he was born on February 8,1834. On a Julian calender he was born on January 27 of that year.

Caesars calendar used in europe until 1582?

The name of Caesar's calendar was the Julian calendar. It was replaced in 1582 by the Gregorian calendar, which we used today.

Did Julius Caesar invent the calendar or somebody else?

Julius Caesar did not create the calender, he reformedthe calender. Calenders had been around for centuries before Caesar, but the Roman calender was hopelessly out of date. Caesar, along with the Egyptian astronomers reformed the calendar into what we, today, call the Julian calender. It is still used in some religious services today.

Why were the twelve months named what they are?

ANSWER:There are many twelve month calenders in use today. There is the Hebrew calender, a lunisolar calender consisting of either twelve or thirteen months depending on the year, (some years twelve, some years twelvish.), and serves as the official calender of Israel and the liturgical calender of the Jewish faith. There is the Ethiopian calender, based on older Alexandrian (coptic) calenders. There is the Islamic calender which is strictly lunar and there is the Indian calender, another lunisolar cycle, and the Chinese calender, also a lunisolar cycle based calender. For the purposes of this answer, the twelve months in question will be answered with Gregorian calender months.The Gregorian calender was created in 1582 in response to a decree by Pope Gregory the XII, that ordered an advancement of ten days of the year to correct the inherent error of the Julian calender. The Julian calender, named after Julius Caesar who devised it, is actually a reformation of the ancient Roman calender that consisted of ten months. The year began with the month of Martis or Martis mensis meaning "the month of Mars", named after Mars the god of war as Martis was the traditional time to resume warfare. Martis is followed by Aprilis, named after Aphrodite, then came Maius, named after the goddess Maia, followed by Junius named after the goddess Juno then came Sextilis, named for the sixth month, Septembre, named for the seventh month, Octobre, named for the eighth month, Novembre for the ninth and finally Decembre for the tenth month. At around 700 BC, Numa Pompilus, the second king of Rome added the months Janurius and Februarius to the calender, moving Martis to the third month of the year making Janurius the first month of the year and Febraurius the second month. There was also the month of Inter-caleriis meaning inter-calender that would periodically follow Februarius and is the origin of "leap year", and was used by the Romans until Julius Caesar abolished the month and devised what has become known as the Julian calender. The calender invented by Julius Caesar was actually fairly accurate and only lagged behind the solar cycle by 11 1/2 days each year. Not bad for a Roman but by the Sixteenth century that error in mathematics meant a ten day discrepancy with the solar cycle. Thus Pope Gregory introduced a corrective devise that brought the discrepancy down to 26 seconds per year, moved the the Julian calender up ten days and the Gregorian calender was in effect.Despite the correctness of the Gregorian calender, many Protestant countries ignored the Papal Bull and continued to use the Julian calender. In 1698 Germany and the Netherlands finally agreed to adopt the Gregorian calender, The British didn't correct the problems of the Julian calender until 1751, Russia waited until 1918 following the revolution and Greece didn't capitulate until 1923. Indeed, many orthodox churches still follow the Julian calender which currently lags 13 days behind the solar cycle. The twelve Gregorian months are:I. JanuaryNamed after the god Janus whose festival month was celebrated at this time.II. FebruaryNamed for the Roman festival of purification, Februa, which was celebrated on the 15th of this month.III. MarchNamed after Mars the god of war because prior to the Gregorian and Julian calenders this month was used as the first month of the year at a time of year when warriors would resume their warfare.IV. AprilMost likely named after the goddess Aphrodite. In ancient antiquity this month had 30 days. Then Numa changed it to 29 days, until Julius Caesar changed it back to 30 days.V, MayMaia's month. Named after Maia the spring goddess.VI. JuneNamed after Juno a central goddess in Roman mythology, June is what used to be Sextilis in ancient antiquity.VII. JulyNamed in honor of Julius Caesar who invented the Julian calender.VIII. AugustNamed after Augustus Caesar.IX. SeptemberSeptembre is the Latin name for the seventh month now the ninth month.X. OctoberOriginally the eighth month, now the tenth.XI. NovemberWas the ninth month now its the eleventhXII. DecemberDecca meaning ten Decembre was originally the tenth month but now it is the twelfth.

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How many months are in the julian calendar?

Most people think there are 12 months in a Julian calender but, THEY ARE WRONG that's a Gregorian calender the calender we use now is a Gregorian calender that has 12 months. Not a Julian calender a Julian calender only has 10 months. The months used to be mean numbers and go in number order. Until 2 people added there own months and messed the calender up. Which created the Gregorian calender

Why is there a Julian calendar?

The Julian Calender (which became the Christian Calender with only a few holidays retained) is a solar calender, based on earth's orbit of the sun. Previously the Romans used a lunar calender like the Chinese, based on the moon's orbit of the earth. The solar calender was more efficient, and Julius Caeser was a man who liked efficiency, so he pushed for adoption of the calender which bears his name.

What day of the week was 25 December 1066?

Monday. Using the Julian calender

What month and day was dimitri mendeleev born?

On a Gregorian calender he was born on February 8,1834. On a Julian calender he was born on January 27 of that year.

How do people long ago make calendars?

Well, the calender that we currently use today by de facto is a Gregorian Calender which was devised in the middle ages; but the Gregorian calender is heavily based on the Julian Calender constructed by Julius Cesar in 45BC.

Caesars calendar used in europe until 1582?

The name of Caesar's calendar was the Julian calendar. It was replaced in 1582 by the Gregorian calendar, which we used today.

In which year was Benedict Arnold born?

Benedict Arnold was born on January 3rd, 1740. Due to the change from the Julian calender to the Gregorian calender, Benedict Arnold's birth was recorded on January 14th, 1741 in the Gregorian calender.

How many different calendars are still in use today?

The three main calenders in use today are the Gregorian calender (the international standard), the Hindu calender, and the Islamic calender. There are also many less used calenders for religious purposes such as the Chinese calender, Hebrew calender, Julian calender, and Iranian calender just to name a few. It is hard to tell exactly because there are and have been so many.

What age did emperor Augustus die?

At age 75. Death on 19th of August. AD (Julian Calender)

From which event do christian countries start counting their years?

Originally it was supposed to be the birth of Jesus Christ that divided the Julian Calender. Later is was determined that the date of his birth was miscalculated and as a result the calender is about 30 years off its intended starting point, but this is the turning point in the calender.

Why are there 13 day of Christmas instead of 12 in Ireland?

Internationally modern Christmas follows the Gregorian calender of 13 days while in Ireland they follow the Julian calender. to close the Advent and initiate the Christmastide.

Who formed a group to revise the roman calendar of the year?

the person who formed a group to revise the Roman calender was Julian Ceaser