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Q: Who propounded the concept 'Conjugal Family'?
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Who propound the conjugal family?


Definition for conjugal pair and consanguine?

The Answer is: a conjugal family is a family where by the husband and the wife relationship is inward and their ties to the extended family are voluntarily. A consanguine family is a family of close relatives other than the parents and children. "Conjugal" means "married". A conjugal pair is a married couple. The word "consanguine" means "of the same blood". People who are consanguine are decended from the same ancestor (usually within a couple of generations). You can be both: Cleopatra and her husband were a consanguine conjugal couple, because he was both her husband and her brother.

What is the difference between conjugal pair and consanguine family?

conjugal family is a family where by the husband and the wife relationship is inward and their ties to the extended family are voluntarily. consanguine family is a family of close relatives other than the parents and children.

Does conjugal family includes adopted children Explain?

Not sure

How do you spell conjugal?

That is the correct spelling of "conjugal."

Who propounded Saptanga theory?

kautiliya propounded saptang theory

When was Conjugal Lewdness created?

Conjugal Lewdness was created in 1727.

What is the term conjugal pair?

what does the term conjugal pair means?

Who propounded feminist theories?

The individual feminists propounded the feminist theories.

When was the law of diminishing returns propounded?

It was propounded in 1772-1823 by David Ricardo.

Difference between joint conjugal roles and segregated conjugal roles?

Segregated conjugal roles are when couples have divided roles within the home. The man plays the role of the breadwinner, going out to work and bringing home money whereas the woman is the homemaker and carer. They don't share housework, childcare, decisions and leisure time. On the other hand, joint conjugal roles are where couples share tasks and spend leisure time together, opposite to the functionalist view on the family.