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Electrons were discovered using cathode rays by the English physicist J.J. Thomson. The nucleus was later discovered by Ernes Rutherford (a student of Thomson) as well as the proton. Neutrons were discovered by James Chadwick, a British scientist, after Irene Joliot- Curie discovered that when alpha particles were bombarded into a piece of beryllium, a beam was produced (which could go through almost anything).

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Q: Who proves that atoms contain particles that have electrical charges?
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What observation proves that a cells is a eukaryote?

If an organism's cells contain a nucleus that is enclosed by the nuclear envelope, which contains the genetic material, this proves it is a eukaryote. The presence of a nucleus gives eukaryotes their name, which comes from the Greek ευ.

Why do squids ink?

so it proves that octopuses can poo

Which activity that shows matter composed of particles?

Smashing atoms in an accelerator proves that atoms are made of smaller particles which themselves are made of smaller particles. An accelerator is needed to reach the minimum energy level required to do this though, atoms don't just simply disintegrate themselves, unless in a fission nuclear reactor. Einstein proved that atoms exist when he studied Brownian motion, which is what happens when you put grains of pollen in water. The move around without any apparent objected causing it. Einstein proved that the grains moved because atoms were causing that motion.

Why did people ignore Democritus idea for so long?

because he thought atoms were indivisble chunks of matter while todays science proves atoms can be divided into sub-atomic particles

What observations proves that a cell is a eukaryotes?

A eukaryote under observation has no membrane to separate the nucleus.

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What proves that cell is a eukaryote?

If an organism's cells contain a nucleus that is enclosed by the nuclear envelope, which contains the genetic material, this proves it is a eukaryote. The presence of a nucleus gives eukaryotes their name, which comes from the Greek ευ.

What observation proves that cells is a eukaryote?

If an organism's cells contain a nucleus that is enclosed by the nuclear envelope, which contains the genetic material, this proves it is a eukaryote. The presence of a nucleus gives eukaryotes their name, which comes from the Greek ευ.

What is the sume of positive and negative charges in an ionic compound?

The sum of charges for any ionic bond equals zero. Take the example calcium carbonate - Ca2+CO32-. If you calculate 2+(-2), you get 0 as an answer. This proves that the charges on an ionic compound cancel out, to form an overall neutral substance.

What observation proves that a cells is a eukaryote?

If an organism's cells contain a nucleus that is enclosed by the nuclear envelope, which contains the genetic material, this proves it is a eukaryote. The presence of a nucleus gives eukaryotes their name, which comes from the Greek ευ.

How did you know pure water contain ions?

Emission of hydrogen and oxygen from the anode and cathode respectively, in the hydrolysis of pure water proves that there are ions.

How do you spell prooves?

The correct spelling is "proves."

An example of brownian motion?

An example of brownian motion is tea diffusing in water the particles swirl in random directions

Do atoms have empty space?

Yes. In 1908, Rutherford conducted an experiment of shooting a beam of alpha particles through a sheet of tinfoil. Most of the alpha particles went straight through the foil, which proves that there are empty spaces in atoms. And the rest of the particles that didn't go straight through the foil are deflected at acute angles, those particles are deflected by the positive nucleus in the center of the atoms.

If a 17-year-old is pregnant by a 24-year-old can he go to jail in Florida?

The age of consent in Florida is 18-years-old. Yes, he could be charged with statutory rape, pregnancy pretty much proves the case. Consent to the act by the minor (or their parents) does not change the charges. Yes, if you or your parents press charges.

What substance found in genes proves you are unique?

DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid. Your genes contain forms of DNA encoding that make every human individual unique (except in the case of identical twins).

What proves water is H2O?

hydrogen combined with oxygen turn water.. this is chemistry theory that proves