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Q: Who provided labor on southern plantations and farms?
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What large farms used slaved labor?

Southern plantations used slaves.

Who provided labor for the farms?

Labor for the farms was mainly provided by slaves and indentured servants.

Who provided the labor to grow tobacco on PLANTATIONS?

Slaves were the main labor source for large plantations.

Large farms that used slave labor for its crops?


Who provided labor for southern rice fields?

enslaved Africans that were brought to America and forced to work on plantations

What did slaves do as labor?

they worked on farms or plantations like cotton, sugar or tobacco. the labor was often intense.

Who provided much of the labor on the plantations?

Black slaves from Africa.

How were slaves used in the new world?

They were used for labor on farms and plantations and doing housework.

Which colonial region had many plantations and depended on slave labor?

Southern colonies

How did slave labor make the southern colonies more profitable?

The southern states had more farms and on the farms worked slaves and the farmers made money off of selling the slaves and the slave's labor.

Why did many southern states believe in slavery?

To Provide inexpensive labor on Large Plantations!

Who worked on southern plantations?

The field work on Southern plantations was done almost exclusively by slaves. These plantations often consisted of cotton, rice, indigo, and tobacco and were very labor intensive.