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Q: Who quoted there is a tide in the affairs of men witchtaken at the flood leads on to fortune omitted all the voyage on their life is bond in shadows an in miseries in Julius Caesar?
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What is the best quote from Julius Caesar?

There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures

Does the word arctic have an omitted vowel or consonant?

Omitted consonant

Is the word library a omitted consonant or omitted vowels?

Yes, there are. See the link below for some examples.

Is different a omitted consonants or omitted vowels?

yes there is. a omitted consonant is a word that has a consonant that is silent. a omitted vowel is a word that has a vowel that is silent. sorry if anything is spelled wrong. I'm not that good of a speller.

Is ivory an omitted syllable?

In speech, the second syllable of "ivory" is often omitted.

What items found in a formal letter are omitted in the memo?

letters that are omitted from memos

Is ecstatic an omitted syllable or letter?

It's often pronounced with an omitted letter.

Does restaurant have an omitted syllable?

A syllable is omitted for most accents when it's spoken.

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What hardware components are usually omitted for a subnotebook

Is incidentally an omitted syllable?

The fourth syllable is often omitted. (in-si-dent-lee)

What is a good sentence for the word omitted?

Since he accidentally omitted his signature, the check was not valid.

When should an apostrophe be used?

Apostrophes should be used in contractions where one or more letters are omitted and not pronounced. They are used to form possessives, which at one time involved the use of another letter, which has been omitted for so long that nobody remembers it, and other similar words. Examples of contractions: Don't= Do not (the second "o" is omitted) I'm= I am (the "a" is omitted) You've = You have (the "ha" is omitted) They'll = They will (the "wi" is omitted) She's = she has (the "ha" is omitted) Examples of possessives: The dog's bone (It was once "the dogges bone" with "ge" omitted) The dogs' bones (It was once "the dogses bones" with "es" omitted) The Joneses' house (Once "Joneseses" with last "es" omitted) Other examples: Six o'clock (Used to be "six of the clock" but the f of "of" and the whole word "the" were omitted) Jack O' Lantern (Used to be "Jack of the Lantern") Hallowe'en (Used to be Hallow Even, with the "v" omitted. Hallow meant holy and even was short for evening.)