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Roosevelt did not run in 1948 because he died in 1945. In 1948, Truman (D) ran against Dewey(R).

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Q: Who ran for president against Roosevelt in 48?
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How many states were there when theodore roosevelt was president?

There were 46 States when he entered office and added New Mexico and Arizona to Statehood while in office.

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What states were part of the US during Franklin D Roosevelt's presidantsy?

All of the 48 continental US states were states of the US when FDR was president. Hawaii and Alaska were added later.

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He got 15,723,789 popular votes (59%) in 1924 the only time he ran for President. He got 382 electoral votes and carried 35 of the 48 states.

How many stars were on the American flag when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was president?

48. FDR was president for 4 terms, and during his presidency, no new states were put in the US. The most recent at the time was New Mexico(1917), and Alaska and Hawaii were inducted in 1959.

How many states were in the US when FDR was president?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt served as the President of the United States from 1933 until his death on April 12, 1945. During his presidency the U.S. included 48 states. Alaska and Hawaii were not admitted to the U.S. until 1959.

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During the term of Franklin Delano Roosevelt from 1933-1945, the US flag displayed 48 stars; the flag with 48 stars was the official flag from 1912-1959.

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42. Hoover won 6.