

Who rebelled in the civil war?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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if this is the type of question your asking...the south

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Q: Who rebelled in the civil war?
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They rebelled from the North

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The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.The plebeians rebelled because they wanted their civil rights and the opportunities that came with them.

Why did the north people call the south people rebels during the civil war?

They rebelled against the status quo.

Why were southers military leaders barred from holding public office after the civil war?

Because they had "rebelled" against their own government. The "War of the Rebellion" (Civil War) was an illegal was a crime. Confederates "could" have been executed after the war. Their president, Jefferson Davis was placed in federal prison after the war.

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The South did not want to get rid of slavery and the North did, The North was trying to force the South into it and they rebelled.

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Abraham Lincoln wanted to bring the union and confederacy back together as one and the confedearate states rebelled and attacked fort sumter starting the civil war.

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government didn't give natives rights so natives rebelled and war lasted 12 years

Why could slaves start to rebel in 1937?

Since the American Civil War ended in 1865, it is not at all clear what slaves would have existed or rebelled in 1937.

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The Nationalists This group, which had facist tendencies, rebelled against Spain's democratic Republican Government.

In the English Civil War why did the Scots rebel against the English prayer book?

The Scott's rebelled against the English prayer book because it interfered with their religious beliefs.

How did the cotten gin cause the civil war?

The cotton gin did not cause the Civil War. The civil war was about slavery. The south wanted slavery and power. They got tired of the North's rules and so they rebelled, causing the Civil War. <><><> Agree with above. The Cotton Gin DID make it feasible to grow cotton on a large scale in the South, and THAT required cheap labor to tend and harvest the crop- tending to make slavery economically attractive.