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Q: Who received the noble prize in physics?
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Who was the first scientist who received the noble prize in physics?

Wilhelm Röntgen for his discovery of X-rays.

When did Wilhelm roentgen received noble prize?

Wilhelm Roentgen received the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901, in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him.

Indian scientists won the noble prize for physics?

yes two Indian scientists have got noble prize for physics they are sir C.V Raman and Subramanyam Chandrasekar

Did Albert Einstein got noble prizes one in chemistry and one in physics?

Albert Einstein received ONE Nobel Prize - 1921 in Physics, for his work on the photoelectric effect.

Who the first American to win noble prize for measuring the speed of light?

Albert Abraham Michelson. In 1907 he received the Nobel Prize in Physics. He became the first American to receive the Nobel Prize in sciences.

Did Max Planck win the noble prize?

Yes, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

For what did Einsterin gat Noble prize in physics?

Einstein won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the Photoelectric Effect and services in physics of his time.

Nobel prize winners in physics 1916?

No Noble prize in physics was awarded in 1916. If there is no work or advance deemed important by the Nobel Foundation, then there no prize is awarded. This was why no prize was awarded in 1916.

What famous scientist was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on theoretical physics?

Albert Einstein was awarded noble prize in 1921 for his explanation of photoelectric effect.

What field of science did Paul Dirac when the noble prize?

Quantum Physics

Who was the first noble prize winner for photoelectric effect in physics?

albert einstein

Why did Albert Einstein win the noble prize in chemistry?

He did not win the Chemistry Nobel prize. He won the Physics prize for his work on the photoelectric effect.