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No one. It sinks with the ship.

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In "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville, Captain Boomer receives the gold doubloon from Captain Ahab as a symbol of a reward for any crew member who first spots the white whale, Moby Dick.

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Q: Who receives the gold doubloon from Captain Ahab?
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What does ahab offer as a reward for spotting mobydick?

Ahab offers a gold doubloon as a reward for spotting Moby Dick.

What reward does Ahab offer the first man who spot the white whale?

Ahab promises a doubloon, which is a gold coin, to the first man who spots the white whale, Moby Dick.

In Moby Dick what is a doubloon?

A doubloon is a type of gold coin that was used in Spanish-speaking countries during the 16th to 19th centuries. In "Moby Dick," Captain Ahab nails a gold doubloon to the mast of the Pequod as a reward for the crew member who first spots the white whale, creating a competitive incentive for the crew.

What reward does ahab offer to the first man who spots the white whale?

Captain Ahab offers a doubloon—a valuable gold coin—to the first man who spots the white whale, Moby Dick. This serves as an incentive to motivate the crew in their pursuit of the elusive whale.

How does Ahab gain his crew's support for his quest?

He attaches a gold doubloon to the mast and offers it to the crew member who first spots the white whale.

Is a 1747 Gold Doubloon made with real Gold?


What is the value of a 1747 Spanish gold doubloon?


How much does a 1730 gold doubloon of Philip V cost today?

One website shows a 1736 doubloon for sale for $4500.

What happened when Captain Ahab held up a gold coin to the crew?

Captain Ahab held up a gold coin to the crew as a way of tempting them to join his obsessive quest for the white whale, Moby Dick. The gold coin symbolized the material rewards and potential wealth that could come from successfully hunting the whale, but also represented a test of the crew's loyalty and commitment to Ahab's dangerous and reckless mission.

How much is a doubloon?

A doubloon, was a two-escudo or 32-reales gold coin, weighing 6.77 grams (0.218 troy ounces). Doubloons were minted in Spain, Mexico, Peru, and Nueva Granada.

What did ahab offer the men?

Ahab offered the crew of the Pequod a gold coin as a reward for the first man to spot Moby Dick.

What does Ahab offer as a reward for spotting Moby- dick?

a gold coin