

Moby Dick

Written by Herman Melville in 1851, Moby Dick is a story of obsession and revenge. Captain Ahab cannot give up his hunt after losing his leg to the whale.

569 Questions

What purpose did the captains table one the pequod serve?

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It was the place where the captain and officers (first, second, and third mates) had their meals.

Which crew member did flask hear telling captain ahab about the right whale?

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The crew member that Flask heard telling Captain Ahab about the right whale was Fedallah, one of the harpooneers. Fedallah identifies the right whale as Moby Dick, the infamous white whale that Ahab is obsessed with hunting.

In Moby Dick Describe Ahab's posture as he stands on the quarter-deck?

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Ahab stands on the quarter-deck with his dark face turned towards the sea, his body slightly bent forward as if leaning into the chase with intense determination. His right arm is outstretched, pointing towards the horizon, his whole figure embodying a sense of unrelenting pursuit and obsession with the elusive white whale.

What is the authors tone toward the elderly man In the reading passage of Moby Dick?

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The author's tone towards the elderly man in the reading passage of Moby Dick could be described as empathetic and respectful. The author portrays the man with understanding and compassion, highlighting his wisdom and experience despite his physical limitations.

What did ahab tell the captain of the goney that the peqoud was headed?

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Ahab told the captain of the Goney that the Pequod was headed towards Moby Dick, the infamous white whale that Ahab seeks revenge upon.

What does ahabs obssesion with Moby Dick reveal about his character?

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Ahab's obsession with Moby Dick reveals his single-mindedness, determination, and intensity. It highlights his deep-seated need for revenge and his willingness to sacrifice everything in pursuit of his goal, even at the cost of his own life and the lives of his crew.

How does Moby Dick reaction to the ship illuminate the differences between the whale in reality and in Arabs imagination?

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Moby Dick's aggressive reaction to the ship represents the real danger that whales pose to whalers and ships at sea. In contrast, the Arab's imagination may romanticize whales as majestic or mystical creatures, overlooking the potential threat they can pose. This contrast highlights the disconnect between perception and reality when it comes to understanding the true nature of whales.

Who asked captain ahab if the white whale was the one called moby dick-?

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Ishmael asked Captain Ahab if the white whale they were pursuing was the one called Moby Dick.

What feeling did ishmael have on meeting queequeg?

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Ishmael was initially wary and cautious upon meeting Queequeg, a tattooed islander, due to his unfamiliar appearance and customs. However, Ishmael quickly warmed up to Queequeg's kindness and sincerity, leading to a strong bond of friendship between them.

Why has ishmael beahs remembered this saying ever since childhood?

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Ishmael Beah has remembered this saying from childhood because it holds personal significance or emotional power for him. It may have been a phrase that provided comfort, guidance, or meaning during difficult times, therefore making a lasting impression on his memory.

Why does Starbuck object to Ahabs desire to pursue Moby-Dick?

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He sees Ahabs fixation with the whale as madness. He would rather stick to just doing the job of finding and killing whales for their oil, rather than chasing one particular whale. He sees Ahab as crazy and a time waster, that he should think to act revenge on an animal that has no concept of revenge.

What is the duration of The Story with Dick Gordon?

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The duration of The Story with Dick Gordon varies by episode, typically ranging from 20 to 60 minutes.

What is the reason why ishmael had to be driven out?

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Ishmael was driven out because Sarah, Abraham's wife, was jealous of him being the son of Hagar, her maid. Sarah asked Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away to ensure that Isaac, her own son, would be the sole heir.

What is the best paraphase of this passage Moby Dick?

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"The passage is about the novel Moby Dick."

How was ishmael beah vitimized?

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Asked by Jasminekay790

Ishmael Beah was victimized during the civil war in Sierra Leone when he was forcibly recruited as a child soldier by rebel forces. He was subjected to violence, deprivation, and emotional trauma while being forced to fight in the conflict. Beah's experiences shaped his memoir, "A Long Way Gone," which sheds light on the horrors of war and child soldiering.

How did queequeg and ishmael get their belongings to the packet schooner in Moby Dick?

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Queequeg and Ishmael had their belongings thrown over a fence onto the packet schooner by a crew member, as they were not allowed to enter the ship due to their race.

What is the influence of symbolism in these lines from Moby-Dick by Herman Melville?

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In "Moby-Dick," symbolism is used to represent deeper themes and ideas. For example, the character of the white whale, Moby Dick, symbolizes the eternal struggle between man and nature, as well as the unknowable and uncontrollable forces of the universe. The symbolism in these lines adds layers of meaning and complexity to the text, inviting readers to reflect on the broader significance of the story.

What US store chain is named after the first mate Moby Dick?

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The US store chain named after the first mate in Moby Dick is "Starbucks." The company was named after a character in Herman Melville's novel as a nod to its Seattle roots and its commitment to maritime tradition.

What was the best part of Moby Dick?

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Many readers find the profound themes on obsession, revenge, and morality to be the most compelling aspects of "Moby Dick." The character development of Captain Ahab and the unique narrative structure also contribute to the novel's enduring appeal. Additionally, the vivid descriptions of 19th-century whaling life and the symbolism of the white whale add depth to the story.

What does Ahab mean when he says Ahab never thinks he only feels feels feels that's tingling enough for mortal man to think's audacity?

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This quote from Herman Melville's "Moby-Dick" suggests that Captain Ahab acts impulsively based on his intense emotions, rather than on logical reasoning. He believes that his feelings are strong enough to give him the courage and boldness to pursue his obsessive quest for revenge against the whale Moby Dick. Ahab sees his emotions as more powerful and trustworthy than his rational thoughts.

How did Moby Dick represent an era in American history?

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"Moby Dick" by Herman Melville reflects the era of American expansion and adventure in the 19th century. Through the character of Captain Ahab and his obsessive quest for revenge, the novel explores themes of ambition, individualism, and the destructive consequences of unchecked pursuit of power. It symbolizes the challenges and complexities of America's growing role in global trade and exploration during that time.

How do you send a letter to Tim and moby?

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To send a letter to Tim and Moby from BrainPOP, you can address it to their main office: BrainPOP, 71 West 23rd Street, 17th floor, New York, NY 10010. You can also reach out to them through their website's contact form.

What is a drugg in Moby Dick?

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In "Moby Dick," a drugg is a type of harpoon used by the whalers to hunt and kill whales. It is a sharp weapon attached to a long rope that is thrown by a harpooner to pierce the whale's flesh and secure it for capture.

Was ishmael older than Issac?

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In Islamic tradition, Ishmael is considered to be older than Isaac. Ishmael was born to Abraham and Hagar, while Isaac was born to Abraham and Sarah. Isaac is considered to be the ancestor of the Israelites, while Ishmael is considered to be the ancestor of the Arabs.