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Q: Who refused to trade with jamestown in 1609 and 1610?
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What was the time between 1609 and 1610 was known as to the Jamestown settlers?

What was the time between 1609 and 1610 in Jamestown, Virginia known as the

What did Jamestown colonists call the winter of 1609-1610?

The starving time.

What happened to Jamestown settlers between between 1609 and 1610?

The Starving Time

What happened in Jamestown during starving time?

The Starving Time in Jamestown was a period of starvation in the Jamestown colony. It occurred from 1609 to 1610.

What was the harsh winter of 1609- 1610 at Jamestown called?

No. Jamestown was in temperate Virginia that never sees snow.

What does the term ''Starving Time'' most commonly refer to?

1609-1610 in Jamestown when almost all of the colonists died of starvation

What between 1609 and 1610 caused the loss of 500 settlers among colonists in Jamestown?

Between 1609 and 1610 the colonists in Jamestown lost 500 settlers due to the encounter of thick forests and later the conditions became severe due to drought,famine, disease and the Indians who attacked them. Many people died due to those harsh conditions.

Why did the successful reorganization of the London company in 1609 destroy Jamestown?

The winter of 1609-1610 was called "the starving time" by the colonists. people were reduced to eating berries, plants, and acorns. There wre even reports of cannibalism. this was how the reorganization almost destory Jamestown. Welcome, Savannah Marie Dean

What year would starvation happen in Jamestown?

The Starving Time at Jamestown in the Colony of Virginia was a period of starvation during the winter of 1609-1610 in which all but 60 of the 215 colonists died. (Wikipedia Starving Time)

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Who led the Jamestown settlement with strong leadership?

No strong leadership existed in Jamestown until the rise of John Rolfe after the starving time of 1609-1610 and the arrival of the third supply mission.

What happen during the starving time in Jamestown?

The Starving Time in Jamestown was a period of starvation in the Jamestown colony. It occurred from 1609 to 1610.