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Q: Who rescued theseus from the chair of forgetfulness?
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Who sat in the chair of forgetfulness down in Hades?

Pirithous and Theseus

Who did Hercules set free from the chair of forgetfulness?

Theseus. Hercules could not rescue his friend though, because Pirithous had the nerve to want to marry the goddess Persephone.

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Who owned the chair of forgetfulness?

Hades owned the Chair of Forgetfulness. It would come in twain with your naked flesh and you would forget everything.

What was the chair of forgetfulness?

It was a chair that Hades, one of the brothers of Zeus, had people who came to the underworld sit down on the chair so they would forget everything. Hercules once saved 1 person get off of that chair, and not the other because Theseus wanted to marry Persephone, which became the wife of Hades, God of the underworld.

What personality traits did Theseus possess?

strength, courage, intelligence, forgetfulness

Who was rescued from hades by Hercules?

Hercules saved Theseus the king of athens

Who was rescued from Hades by Heracles?

Theseus; Peirithoos who had sought to abduct Persephone was left behind.

What did Jill eat for breakfast in The Silver Chair?

After being rescued, Jill, Puddlegum, and Eustace had a simple meal of scrambled eggs and toast.

Was Persephone beautiful?

Zeus had only two daughters: Persephone and Helen. Both were considered to be so beautiful that Theseus and his friend Perithoos decided they wanted to kidnap them. That didn't work so well for Perithoos because he became trapped in the underworld and Theseus had to go bail him out. Actually Pirithous and Theseus went together into the underworld to kidnap Persephone and were entrapped there. It was Hercules that rescued Theseus but Pirithous was condemned to stay in the underworld forever. And Zeus had other daughters: Athena, Artemis, and the Muses. Honestly, if you were the daughter of the chief Olympian, wouldn't you be a knock-out?

Is forgetfulness is a noun form?

Yes, forgetfulness is the noun form for the adjective forgetful. The noun forgetfulness is a common, abstract noun, a word for a inability to remember, a thing.

How can you write a sentence with forgetfulness?

The word 'forgetfulness' is a noun, a word for a lapse of memory; a word for a thing.A noun functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.Examples:My forgetfulness caused me to miss the appointment. (subject of the sentence)They are fond memories which forgetfulnessimproves. (subject of the relative clause)I blame his forgetfulness as the cause of the problem. (direct object of the verb 'blame')The professor is well known for forgetfulness. (object of the preposition 'for')