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Q: Who researched and said that a question should be asked 7 times to get the true answer?
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the question that should really be asked is, how many times have i used my vacuum cleaner!

When you ask a question on WikiAnswers and it has already been asked does your question get counted as another question or is only the one question counted no matter how many times it is asked?

It would be the same question.

Did your question appear on recently asked questions?

Some times it does and sometimes it doesn't if there are too many people on and your screen loads after they already asked a question after you.

What is the times tables for 96 and 66?

Im the one who asked this question

How many times have some of you used this website?

1 time. how many times have you asked a question?

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I Want It My Way

Why when you asked a question two times was it never posted?

First, your question might just have been moved to another Category or its wording might have been changed. For example, this question was moved to the "Questions About WikiAnswers Website" Category and changed from "Why when you asked a question 2 times it was never posted?" to "Why when you asked a question two times was it never posted?" Second, but less commonly, your question might have been deleted. This is very unusual. It's generally only done in cases of spam or vandalism, or when the same question has been asked many times. If neither of these seem likely maybe there is some problem we're not aware of. Please e-mail WikiAnswers @ and let us know what you asked.

Why does no one answer my question on WikiAnswers?

Probably because: -they don't know the answer -the question is boring -they don't like you -the question has been asked a thousand times

Which is the precious ring of Victorian times?

i think this question is asked to answer lvl 14 @ KlueLess4

When to worry about lapses in memory?

When you've asked this question already three times today.

What does FAQs mean?

FAQ means Frequently Asked Questions, or possibly "Frequently Asked Question", if there is only one.frequently asked questionsfrequently asked questionsFrequently asked questionsFrequently Asked Questions.Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questionsfrequently asked questionsFrequently Asked Question(s)Usually all the questions listed in the FAQ are all of the "frequently asked questions". These are questions that have been asked many times by many different people.Frequently Asked Questions.Frequently asked questions.Frequently Asked Questions.

American airline story about eliminating an olive?

This question has been asked and answered numerous times on this site. Please do not re-post questions that have already been posted numerous times. Before posting a question, search to see if it has already been asked.