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Justinian husband of Theodora.

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Q: Who reunited the roman empire after Constantine's reign?
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There was no such thing as a reign of terror in the Roman Empire

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Constantine reunited the roman empire

Who reunited the Roman Empire and renamed the capital Constantinople?


What was Constantines public life like?

1. ? It was good cause he changed the world by making roman empire Christian.

In whose reign did the roman empire reach its greatest extent territorially?

The Roman empire reached its greatest extent under the reign of Trajan.

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Yes, during the reign of Caesar (Emperor) Augustus.

What emperor reunited the Roman Empire after Diocletian had divided it?

Emperor Constantine reunited the Roman Empire in 324 AD after it had been split by Emperor Diocletian. But soon after his death the empire would again be divided. The east would survive; the west would fall

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Christianity became the official religion of the empire during the reign of emperor Theodosius I.

What was Constantines religious faith?

apon founding it was roman traditional, it converted to Christianity with the rest of the roman empire. it was then captured by Turks and Arabs sucesivley, both being Muslim. it is today Muslim.

Why is there a roman structure in Lebanon?

The Roman Empire invaded Lebanon and built it during its reign.

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What was the empire from the middle east that was encroaching on the holy roman empire during the reign of Charles v?

The Ottoman Empire