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Well, in a sense, Jephthah(a judge in Israel-Judges 12:7) did 'sacrifice his daughter' to God.

He made a vow to God that: "If you give the Ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the LORD's, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering."(Judges 11:30-33) Jephthah's only daughter was the first out the door and so spent her life working at the Temple, rather than marrying and raising children. This was obviously not a LITERAL 'burnt offering', but a gift given to God as a sacrifice; one that his daughter agreed to. (Judges 11:34-40)

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Your question is slightly off kilter, and appears to be made of of not understanding. What you are seeking is the test of faith of Abraham by our Father, the Lord God of Israel. Our Father fully vets or tests each and every one he chooses to lead his people. The test of Abraham was two fold. One is was a test or Abraham's faith in our Father and two it was an example of things to come concerning our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Imagine giving your only son as a sacrifice, so that others might live.

The test of Abraham with his only son of Sarah (Isaac) was to prove Abrahams faith, our Father never had any intention of Abraham sacrificing Isaac, he had promised Abraham Isaac would be as the sands of the sea in number.

Our Father on the other hand, did give his only begotten Son as the blood sacrifice for the atonement of all our sins. Today there are those men who make make a similar sacrifice, by giving their only begotten son for the defense of the continued liberty of our people. In no way am I stating that Military men who give their lives for the liberty of our people are equal to Christ, I am simply pointing out that that level of sacrifice continues for a few. It's never an easy sacrifice to give up any of your sons or daughters, especially if you only have one. However our Father did just that and he did it for each and every one of us. He did that so that Christ retained the ability to provide us forgiveness for our sins. He paid the ultimate price, and we obtain the absolution (forgiveness). Abraham and Isaac were an example of this level of dedication.

If you think it was easy, simply consider giving up one of your own sons or daughters as a sacrifice for all others and if you don't have children, Imagine giving up your own life, tomorrow, for a promise of absolution, for the sins everyone has and will commit, so they don't face those sins during their judgement day later on down the road. Would you be willing to make either sacrifice? .... Abraham was ready to ... and Your Father did make that sacrifice.

This might seem like foolishness unless you fully understand that Flesh life is probation. Until you understand from 2nd Peter chapter 2 that there was an earth age prior to this one, where Satan (Revelation 12) deceived 1/3 of our Fathers children in to worshipping him. We were in a different body then, just as Paul explains in 1 Corinthian's 15. The punishment for a corrupted soul was death of that soul, however since Satan deceived the souls and since Satan was one of our Fathers cheirb's, our Father did the only thing that was Fair to us all. He gave us a flesh life and freedom to choose on our own with a judgment later to test our choice.

Most people are never taught this truth and go through life looking for its meaning. This is the meaning of flesh beings and their life. Flesh Life is a probationary period where each individual soul is allowed, in complete freedom, to choose of their own free will, if they will follow our Father or if they will follow some nonsense of other men, or Satan. There is a life after this flesh life (Acts 1:3). Its your choice and our Father and Christ made the ultimate sacrifice so you could have that choice (Hebrews 10:12). Each of us, just as Abraham, shall be tested. There is no way around that test, and there is not way out of that test. We are each and every one judged according to our works (Revelaton 20). The only way to reduce the sting of that judgement and absolve you of your sin, is through that life which Christ gave up as a Sacrifice for your sin. Christ is the doorway to absolution (John 10).

If this short explanation gives you that knot in your stomach when you read it , then you might need to consider some changes in that probationary life our Father gave you.

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Q: Who sacrificed his daughter to God in the Bible?
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