

Who said' Ecology is permanent economy'?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Who said' Ecology is permanent economy'?
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Who coined the phrase ecology is permanent economy?

The slogan "ecology is permanent economy" was coined by the Chipko movement in India.

What are the best slogans on chipko movement?

One is: Ecology is permanent economy. I think another one is: Soil, clean water, and fresh air! Love the trees they will love you

What is moral ecology?

Moral ecology refers to the study of the interconnected relationships between environmental ethics, societal values, and human behavior towards nature. It involves understanding how moral beliefs, attitudes, and norms shape human interactions with the environment and influence decisions related to conservation, sustainability, and ethical responsibility. This concept emphasizes the importance of considering ethical considerations within ecological systems to promote more sustainable and responsible environmental stewardship.

What is the difference between ecology and economy how are they similar?

ecology create automatic and economical create by people

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Did you mean "ecology"?

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Matthew Paterson has written: 'Automobile politics : ecology and cultural political economy'

What are some words that start with eco?

· ecologic · ecology · economic · economical · economics · economist · economy · ecosphere · ecosystem

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eco is a prefix/contraction of Economy or Ecology. Eco efficiency in economy means the effective and efficient allocation of resources for the production of goods and services to achieve a higher level of income. Eco efficiency in ecology is the balanced interaction of the biotic and a biotic factors in the natural environment.

Who said A tattoo is a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling?

You just said it stupido

What is an synonym for oikos?

Oikonomia is householder management. We use it as the root for Ecology and Economy. Oikos refers to a household, with a connotation of a large estate.

What is a good sentence for the word economy?

Economy. There. I said it. In a one-word sentence.

Which paleolithic society lived in permanent houses and had a market economy?

The Chumash of Southern California