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Humphrey Bogart used the now-famous phrase "here's looking at you kid" in the film Casablanca

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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James Cagney

Horse Isle Realtime Quiz Answer: Rick

~Wanderer, Cremello Server.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Horse Isle answer: Humphrey Bogart

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Hump bogard

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Q: Who said 'Here's looking at you kid'?
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Who said heres looking at your kid?

Rick in the movie "Casablanca".

What actor changed the script line 'heres good luck to you kid' to 'heres looking at you kid'?

Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca. A really great movie. You should watch it. Here is the scene you mention:

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heres looking at you kid 'casablanca" a gun is as good or as bad as the man using it "shane"

Who said the famous line Here's looking at you kid?

Humphrey Bogart

Who said the words here's looking at you kid?

This quote comes from the movie Casablanca and the actor, Humphrey Bogart, said it.

When does someone use 'here's looking at you kid'?

Hey I have no idea lol but...... Who said, "Here's looking at you, kid?" - that Question is in the Horseisle Quiz and the Answer is Rick - im newish so i dont know how to ask and answer my own Question?? Can you help?

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heres a sugesten try looking on google and serch

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Looking at you kid?

Do you mean who said "Here's looking at you kid"? If you do, it's Rick Blaine, from the movie Casablanca. I didn't know either, but I found it on Wikipedia. (I had to. I was answering a Horse Isle Real Time Quiz.) Horse Isle Real Time Quiz Answer: Rick From: Fantasia, soon to be xoGarnetxo from the Bay Server

am a a kid?

sorry I said that

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they have that one kid from karate kid

Is line here's looking at you kid from the movie casablanca?

Yes, this famous line is from the film Casablanca. It is said that it is something Bogart said to Bergman, and it was liked so much that it was put into the film in several different instances.