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Q: Who said advocated freedom of opinion without censorship?
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What is free speech?

the freedom to speak without censorship and/or limitation.

What is freedom of speech-?

Freedom of speech is a noun. It means people have a right to express their opinions without fear of censorship or punishment by authorities. However, you can only do this if you are not infringing on the rights of others.

What is the freedom of expression?

The freedom of expression is when people could publicly criticize the established political system without fear of being arrested. -------------or------------- freedom of expression is limited by what Censorship--APEX APEXVS.COM

What is the constitutional right to speak?

Amendment 1: The freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Petition and Assembly. The freedom of speech allows you to freely speak your mind without censorship.

What is the importance of Free Speech?

free speech is the freedom to speak without censorship and limitation it shoes democracy written by, komal abdullah

Where does fredom of speech come from?

Freedom of speech is a fundamental right enshrined in many democratic societies' legal systems and international human rights laws, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is rooted in the belief that individuals should be able to express their ideas and opinions without fear of censorship or retaliation from the government or other authorities.

Freedom of expression is limited by what?

Public safety and the rights of others. For example, while you have freedom of speech, if you were to yell "Fire!" in a crowded auditorium, and everyone stampeded to get out leading to injuries and destruction, you could still be held civilly and criminally for your actions.

What is a free speech?

Free speech is the freedom to say what you want and express your self how you want as long as what you are doing isn't depriving someone of their rights (see first amendment).deprived - taken away

How does the constitution address the censorship of books?

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects freedom of speech, which includes the right to access and distribute books and other forms of expression without government censorship. The constitution limits the government's ability to censor books to ensure that individuals have the freedom to explore a wide range of ideas and viewpoints.

People will be free to write and publish materials.?

1 amendment

What is the allusion of freedom of speech?

The allusion of freedom of speech refers to the right to express opinions and ideas without government interference or censorship. This principle is often seen as a pillar of democratic societies, allowing for open dialogue, debate, and the exchange of diverse viewpoints.

What is one of the charter rights and freedoms for my social assignment?

One charter right and freedom you can consider for your social assignment is the right to freedom of expression. This includes the freedom to express your thoughts, beliefs, and opinions through speech, writing, and other forms of communication without censorship or interference. It is protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.