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Q: Who said honesty is the best policy if you lose your honor you lose yourself?
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Related questions

What is the proverb of honesty?

"Honesty is the best policy."

Convert honesty is the best policy into Exclamatory sentence?

"Honesty is the best policy!"

Where can you get a school essayof honesty is the best policy?

I don't think you've got the message in the title. WRITE IT YOURSELF!

What part of speech is honesty in the sentence The best policy is honesty?

Honesty is a noun.

Honesty is best policy ten lines written?

what is honesty

How do you say honesty still the best policy in dutch?

Honesty is the best policy = Eerlijk duurt het langst (this is the official saying, but not the literal translation of 'still the best policy')Honesty still the best policy = Eerlijk duurt nog steeds het langst

What are the Other slogan about honesty except for honesty is the best policy?

"Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people."

10 easy sentences on Honesty is the best policy?

My teacher said speak the truth and be honest because honesty is the best policy.

What are the release dates for Honesty - The Best Policy - 1926?

Honesty - The Best Policy - 1926 was released on: USA: 8 August 1926

What part of speech is best policy in sentence honesty is the best policy?

Best is adjective and policy is noun

What is honesty is the best policies?

"honesty is the best policy" means that it is always best to tell the unvarnished truth.

How to find out if a guy likes you?

You could .............. 1.ask a friend to ask him if he likes you 2.ask him yourself honesty is the best policy