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Q: Who said no more colonies could be started in Americas?
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How the Industrial Revolution influenced the motives to take over colonies?

The industrial Revolution started a lot of things. More jobs. More machines. The Idea of a car from Henry Ford. And more. Motives over the colonies is they started to earn more money.

How did religious conflict in Europe affect European colonization of the Americas?

The Age of Exploration and European imperialism of the Americas occurred just before the Protestant Reformation. The Americas presented a new start for non-Catholics, which is why many Protestants migrated to these new colonies (particularly in North America in the British colonies). Many Catholics also migrated to the Americas and they were more successful in spreading Catholicism than the Protestants were in Protestantism.

What happened after America was discovered?

columbus got a reward from the king and queen of spain

Why do historians consider Columbus to be more important than Leif Ericson?

Columbus landing started the colonization of the Americas.

What other countries besides England had colonies in the continent?

Yeah i think it in Did_England_have_any_other_colonies_besides_England, the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.Read more: Did_England_have_any_other_colonies_besides_England

What made it easier to farm in the Middle Colonies than the New England Colonies?

Because more land could be farmed

Why is the voyage of Columbus to America celebrated more than leif ericson?

Because Columbus landing started the colonization of the Americas.

Why did England favor founding the Englished colonies in the Americas?

I think he thought colonies would be very smart

What effect did the civil war have on Africa and the colonies?

Not much. African colonies probably started producing more goods, as less were available from America during the war.

Why do historians consider Christopher Columbus to be more important than Lief Ericson?

Because Columbus discovery started the colonization of the Americas.

Which two Spanish colonies in the Americas did Spain lose as a result of the Spanish-American War?

As a result of the Spanish-American War Spain lost its colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico.

Were the europeans more interested in sending sugar or tabaco to the Americas?

The Europeans didn't send tobacco nor sugar to the colonies, but got it FROM the colonies. They couldn't grow sugar cane nor tobacco in Europe because it is too cold.