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A: I DID electrical is a study of current flow.

electronics is a study of electrons emission.

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Q: Who said that electrical engineers deals with bulk current flow and electronics engineers deals with electrons emission?
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What is diffent between electronics and electrical?

Electronics is a study of electrons emission. Electronics is a study of electrons flow.

Basic difference in electrical and electronics?

A: ELECTRICAL is the study of electron flow ELECTRONICS is the study of electrons emission

What is difference between electronics and Electric?

A: I keep on answering the same question again I guess. Electronics has to deal with electrons emission. Electronics engineers study this matter. Electrical deals with the current flow. There may be some crisscrossing but basically this is it.

Explain the difference between electronics and electricity?

Electronics is a science dealing with electrons emission electrical is a science dealing with electron flow

Exact difference between electrical and electronics?

the main diffrent between electrical and electronics is Electrical is study of electriccity and electronics is study of the electical or databus controlle circuit. All machine need electrical Power. how much power it need? which electrical contolled it need? that study in Electrical but in Electronics how much power we need? and how to create that power for that we use some electronics circuit. that sutdy i electonics. It is a simple diffrent between electrical and elecronics. ANSWER: The difference is the study of electrons behavior. Electrical main concern is electrons flow. Electronics is a study of electrons emission.

What are definitions of electronics and electric?

Electronics is electrons emission electric is electron flow.

What is mean by a electronics?

an electronics. electronics are everything that is powered by electricity and is not mechanical. ANSWER : Electronics is a study of electrons emission. ELECTRICITY is the study of electron flow.

Does electronics and telecommunication has more scope or electronics and instrumentation?

Electrical-Electronics: 1.Electronics came out of electricals 2.Electricals: base & Electronics: Speciality Electronics-Instrumentation: Specialities based on Electrical Electronics i a part of physical study of electrons emission. Instrumentation is a fiels of specialty related to monitor,calibrate electronics components.

What are the kinds of electrons?

Electronics divides in analogue and digital one. Electronics is a physical branch of electron emission and behavior. Analog and digital are not two kind of electronics.

What is the difference between electronics and electronic engineering?

Electronics Engineering falls roughly into the overall category of electrical engineering. Electrical engineering deals with ALL aspects of electrical things, from power generation & transmission, to superconductors. In a nutshell, electrical engineers work on power distribution, electrical controls in factories, motors & their control, transformers, and things like the electrical requirements for a new mall (just to mention a few of the many areas of EE). Electronics Engineers deal more with things at the component level, primarily Integrated circuits, signal processing, gadgets like your GPS, and iPOD. On board a cruise ship for example, an Electrical engineer would see over the motor generator sets, the power distribution, the computer controls at the 'control' level (steering & propulsion), while an Electronics Engineer would deal with this like troubleshooting an single circuit board and the communications equipment. Check out the link below to the IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Does beta radiation results in the emission of electrons?

In beta radiation, an emission of electrons can occur due to beta decay. A neutron can disintegrate into protons and electrons.

What is the term if cell the converts the sun energy into electrical energy by releasing electrons from silicon?

Photo electric emission process. Cells are named as photo emissive cells.