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The Seventeenth Amendment for A+


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Q: Who said voters in a state not state legislatures would elect their own senators to Congress.?
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What said voters in a state not state legislatures would elect their own senators to Congress.?

The Seventeenth Amendment for A+ -MG

Said voters in a state not state legislatures would elect their own senators to Congress.?

The Seventeenth Amendment for A+ -MG

Voting method that allowed voters to elect office holders?

The 17th Amendment gave voters the right to elect senators

Who elect senators now?

The registered voters of each state elect the senators for their state. At one time, senators were elected by state legislation.

Who used to elect senators?

No. The Constitution established in 1787 that the State Legislatures would appoint the Senators. It was not until the 17th Amendment, ratified in 1913, that senators would be elected directly by the people.

Do state legislatures choose members of the us senate?

The 17th Amendment gave the people the power to directly elect their Senators, versus allowing a legislature to elect them. The 17th Amendment gave the people the power to directly elect their Senators, versus allowing a legislature to elect them.

How do members of congress get elected in a single member district?

The voters of the district elect them.

What amendment gives voters rather than state legislators the right to elect senators?

It is stipulated in the body of the Constitution, Article I, Sec. 3, clause 1; it is not an Amendment. Originally, it was the State Legislatures that chose Senators, now it is the people of the State, by direct vote.

How many senators does each state get to elect for congress?

Each state elects 2 senators.

For whom do senators and representatives work?

Senators and Representatives work for the U.S. Congress and the people who elect them.

The Seventeenth Amendment changed how U.S. Senate positions were filled by?

The 17th amendment changed the way senators were selected. Before the 17th amendment senators were selected by state legislatures, that allowed party bosses too much influence. The 17th amendment allowed voters of each state to directly elect their senators. This amendment gave women the right to vote.

Have senators always been elected by people?

No, they have been elected by the people only since 1913 due to Amendment 17, Sec. 1.