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Catholic AnswerFriday abstinence, as explained by Fr. Hardon below, has been a custom of all Christians in commemoration of Christ's passion and death of the cross from the very beginning. In other words, originally no "one" said you shouldn't eat meat on Friday (especially Good Friday) is was just a common penance accepted by all Christians as part of their spiritual life. However, since the first centuries have passed into history and the Church is worldwide, the Popes and the individual bishops have legislated specific practices to be observed on all Fridays and Good Friday in particular. This does not mean that this is all you have to do, like the early Christians, we may still do individual penances which are not legislated, although it would be a good thing to check with your confessor before taking on more penances.

from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980

Friday Abstinence. Refraining from meat on Friday in commemoration of Christ's passion and death. The custom was prevalent among Christians from the first century. It was extended to Saturday in the West at an early date. Until the apostolic constitution of Paul VI in 1966, all Fridays were obligatory days of abstinence for the whole Church, with the exception of certain territories that were exempt from the obligation. Since 1966, however obligatory abstinence for the universal Church applies only to Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent. To the law of abstinence are bound all who have completed their fourteenth year of age. The law of abstinence forbids the use of meat, but not eggs, the products of milk, or condiments made of animal fat. The abolition of Friday abstinence is a common misapprehension. Friday abstinence was not abolished; rather the faithful now have a choice either to abstain from meat or perform some other kind of penance on Fridays [outside of Lent]. According to the Church's law, the "substantial observance" of Fridays as days of penance, whether by abstinence or in other ways, "is a grave obligation" (Paenitemini, Norm 11, 2)

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15y ago

No, it doesn't say to eat fish on Good Friday. It also doesn't say to celebrate Christmas, or Easter. It doesn't say to have bible study, it doesn't say to form youth groups, AND it doesn't say that The Bible itself is the sole means of faith. In fact in 1 Timothy 3:15 we read that the church is the pillar and foundation of the truth. Just because something is not stated directly in the Bible doesn't mean it goes against God's word. Do you really think we shouldn't celebrate Easter or Christmas just because it doesn't say to in the Bible? Of course not. Do you HAVE to not eat meat on good friday? Of course not. However, for those who do, they are perfectly justified in doing so.

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12y ago

There is no tradition of eating fish on Good Friday. There is a tradition of not eating meat on Good Friday.

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Why you are not allowed fish on Good Friday?

you are allowed to eat fish on good Friday but just not meatfish is not classed as meat

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Do you eat FISH until Good Friday or eat meat until Good Friday?

Catholics abstain eating meat during Lent on every Friday of the season. Fish can be eaten on this day, just not red meat.

What do Christian's traditionly eat on a Good Friday?

Fish is the traditional dinner

Why do you eat fish of good Friday?

Roman Catholics do not eat meat on Fridays during the season of Lent, which is the 40 days from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, and does not include Sundays. Because Jesus was crucified on Good Friday, Roman Catholics abstain from eating the flesh of animals as a small reminder of how Jesus sacrificed Himself for them. Since they do not eat meat, many Roman Catholics replace it with fish (another source of protein)

Is it traditional to eat fish on good Friday?

It isn't really traditional. It substitutes meat which shouldn't be eaten on Good Friday. This is a form of sacrifice since Good Friday is a holy day, the day where Jesus died. Meat shouldn't be eaten on any Friday as a sacrifice.

What does a christian eat on Easter Sunday?

Christians may eat a variety of traditional dishes on Easter Sunday, depending on their cultural and personal preferences. Some common foods include roast lamb, ham, hot cross buns, and Easter eggs. Many families also prepare a special feast to celebrate the holiday.

How come your mother ate a fish on friday instead of tuesday?

Tuesday is not regarded as the ideal fish day in most countries. In the Middle East, however, Friday is a sacred day when people eat fish. Because fish is astounding. Tuesday is not a good day for fish. Hospitalised.

Do you eat fish on Good Friday?

The catholics belive that eating red meat on Friday is a sin or disgrace and so the only meat they can eat is fish, that is not poultry or red meat. The above doesn't address the history of this tradition, which has nothing to do with piety. See links

What is eaten before Good Friday in France?

One full meal and two collations are taken without meat, only fish is the only thing you can eat that is non-vegetarian on Good Friday.

Why do Christians eat fish during Good Friday?

Catholics fast on Good Friday, and traditionally eat fish and not meat on Fridays during Lent. They used to be forbidden to eat meat every Friday, and depending upon their location and diocese, some still are. Good Friday is a fast day, where one goes without the usual luxuries as a form of penance, purification and remembrance of God's laws.Christ died on Good Friday, so we observe that every Friday in Lent including Good Friday.