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All I Could Was Cry by Etta James; Beyonce sang it also in Cadillac Records.

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All I could do is cry

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All I could do was cry

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Q: Who sang the song i hear the church bells ringings will you marry me?
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Place where you hear bells ringing?


Name a place where you might hear bells ringing?

church, school, restaurant, casino

Name places where you would hear bells ringing?

Church steeples, clock towers

When was When You Hear the Bells created?

When You Hear the Bells was created in 1969.

Why was all the church bells of Britain silent during the early years of World War 2?

people were too scared to come out of their homes to go and ring the church bells, and also they thought that the enemy would be able to hear the church bells if they were rung, so that would make them open for attack.

How can you use the word tintinnabulation in a sentence?

The tintinnabulation of the church bells filled the crisp morning air as the town awakened to a new day.

Where would you go to hear Silver Bells?

On every street corner, you hear

What do the bells symbolize in A Christmas Carol?

At Christmas, bells symbolize santas sleigh bells ;) that's why you hear them in almost every Christmas song ...

What do you hear on every street corner?

Silver Bells.

What does it mean when you hear church bells but no one else does?

If one is hearing sounds that others do not hear, the first step should be to have one's hearing checked. Pressure or injury to the eardrum or an inner ear infection could be the source of false sounds. If one's ears are healthy and phantom sounds continue to occur, one could be experiencing auditory delusions, and should consult a physician. If you are hearing church bells, and there is no church around, and nobody else hears them, perhaps God is trying to communicate with you.

Why are bells rung at curches?

to call everyone to church. in the earlier days before air conditioning (windows open) and many people up early to do chores in the morning (cut fire wood, feed the animals, milk the cows, etc.) they could hear the bells for miles to remind them of the time and to hurry to get chores done and get ready for church.

Why do cowboys wear bells on the spurs?

To keep the cows at peace, The cows hear the jingle of the bells and feel protected.